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作者(英文):Chia-Yuan Zhang
論文名稱(英文):Zhang Chia-Yuan’s creative narrative –using painting to show one’s own Enneagram personality type
指導教授(英文):Yung-Li Lin
口試委員(英文):Chau-Jin Hu
Pin-Yan Chen
關鍵詞(英文):Enneagramtype three Enneagram personalityexpression of emotionspainting creations
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The title of this thesis is “Using painting to show one’s own Enneagram personality type”. Namely, the thesis talks about how the artist wishes to reveal her true personality through her art. Since the artist had attended a series of classes on exploration of heart and mind using Enneagram, it led her to become curious about exploring personality to help her better understand herself. Furthermore, she hoped to use her own personality as a direction in which to develop her art.
The materials for the overall context of the theoretical standpoint of the thesis originated from looking into information related to Enneagram, including fundamental personality types and modes of operation. In addition, the author searched for documents pertaining to art created in Taiwan from this theoretical standpoint. She wanted to use the research and reflections of those who had embarked upon this topic before to compare with the areas that she herself could develop. The artist used the concept of moving in the opposite direction of the arrows in Enneagram to develop three series of artwork. From this, she was able to see three different attitudes she had and could reflect upon the manifestation of her mental state in her day-to-day life.
The artist chose to look at the ideas American philosopher Susanne Langer raised on “symbolism in art”. She believes that art is a vehicle for the transmission of a higher level of inner life and emotions of human experience.By means of exploring the display of visual symbols within the artist’s work, and by analysing and summing it up one step further, we can understand how the artist uses shape and colour as symbolic visual elements to transform into the expression of emotions in their art.
When constructing the vibe she wants her artwork to give, the artist uses colour, shape, composition etc. in order to create interpretations divided into three different series totalling in twenty pieces of artwork. She uses symbolic elements to express her inner thoughts, and to transmit appropriate expressions of her personality and emotions.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 創作背景與動機 1
第二節 創作目的與研究方法 5
第三節 論文架構與創作流程 9
第四節 創作研究範圍與限制 11
第五節 名詞解釋 12
第二章 文獻探討 15
第一節 探討九型人格學理相關資料 15
第二節 作為藝術符號的情感表現與心理現象 33
第三節 探討色彩與造形作為象徵性的情感表現 38
第三章 創作理念與形式 47
第一節 創作學理基礎 47
第二節 創作理念 57
第三節 創作形式與內容 58
第四節 創作技法與步驟 65
第四章 創作作品解析 71
第一節 日常的包裝 71
第二節 自我的遁逃與包裹 78
第三節 真誠接納自己 87
第四節 小結 94
第五章 結論 101
參考文獻 103
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