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作者(英文):En Le
論文名稱(英文):Meet My Homes – Statement of Li En’s Creation
指導教授(英文):Wei-ku Wu
口試委員(英文):Ching-Hua Liao
關鍵詞(英文):negative spacescornersself-actualisationceramic art creations
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During the span of our lives, we have many dreams. These dreams are often organised into a system with many layers, with each stage having its own corresponding requirements. Furthermore, they are impacted by the impetus and efforts made through the process of self-actualisation. When goals are achieved within each stage, there is a huge sense of achievement and a sense of tranquility. Through this process, one is able to overcome one’s own lack of sense of security.

The main creative topic of this thesis is the meeting of former homes. It records the body of work created from 2018 to 2020, and fulfills inspiration for the concept of lack of stability towards the idea of home. It treats this as the core axis to develop a series of work. In terms of what was lacking in the past, usually when we gain the ability and means to achieve that which we lacked and needed, we will try to use various means to fulfill what had been lacking. Through artistic creations, the artist has tried to fulfill the feeling of lack he had in the past because through the creative process, he continually grappled with the source of this lack. His mind and heart were able to relax and be liberated, and he was able to achieve a sense of satisfaction in the realms of his heart.

When planning how to incorporate his everyday experiences into his work, from ideas to executing physical creations, he received feedback of his belief in his own abilities. The interaction between humans and the spaces in which they reside will leave behind marks and emotions. The existence of these elements are a reminder of past memories and those memories are recorded by being left within the physical spaces. Through writing the thesis the artist has arranged the overall context of his ideas. Not only is he expressing the channel of his own emotions, it is also a process of self-actualisation. Through this process one is able to deal with one’s uneasy feelings from the past. Evoking past memories and events and linking the physical spaces where these events took place as the key axis, the artist transformed the emotions he felt within these spaces into sculptural symbols. He disassembles geometrical forms, negative spaces and corners in order to newly compose a carrier for his emotions.

The structure of this thesis has been split into the first chapter, which includes the thesis background, motivation, aim and scope. The second chapter talks about how the artist learnt to view the angle and method of his creations through the lens of existing literature and other artists. The third chapter is an analysis of art creations through their outer forms. Chapter four talks about the artistic and creative process as well as the emotions that are attached to the creations. Chapter five is the conclusion which also serves as a vehicle for self-reflection and future hopes.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 2
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究範圍 6
第四節 名詞解釋 7
第二章 文獻回顧 9
第一節 文獻回顧 9
第二節 建築空間的再創造 15
第三節 空間探索 21
第三章 創作理念 25
第一節 創作中的符號 25
第二節 創作形式 30
第三節 走進昔日的家 40
第四章 創作詮釋 42
第一節 系列(一) 樓梯–角落 43
第二節 系列(二) 連結–昔日 48
第三節 系列(三) 共存–廊道 54
第四節 系列(四) 記憶插件 56
第五節 系列(五) 修復 62
結語 69
參考文獻 71
馬斯洛(Abraham Harold Maslow)著,劉燁譯,《馬斯洛的智慧–馬斯洛人本哲學解讀》,中國電影出版社,2005。
Gaston Bachelard著,鞏桌軍、王靜慧譯,《空間詩學》,張老師文化事業股份有限公司,2003。
坎特.布魯爾(Kent C.Bloomer)及查理士.摩爾(CharledW.Moore)著,葉庭芳譯,《人體‧記憶與建築》,尚林出版社,1981。
Henry Focillon著,吳玉成譯,《造型生命》,田園城市文化事業有限公司,2003。
廖修慧,葛雷姆(Antony Gormley)雕塑作品的身體理念以〈土地〉(Field)、〈另一個地方〉(Another place)作品為例,雕塑研究,9期,2013。
Herschel B .Chipp著,余珊珊譯,《現代藝術理論Ⅱ》,遠流出版事業股份有限公司,2012。
Sophie Bowness著,《BABARA HEPWORTH The Plasters–The Gift Wak’5efield》,Burlington Vt Lund Humphries,2011。
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