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作者:Amanda Flynn
作者(英文):Amanda Flynn
論文名稱(英文):Everything I Know About Love - an artistic enquiry
指導教授(英文):Ching-Hua Liao
Yu-Chi Han
口試委員(英文):Li-Shan Lin
Ching-Hua Liao
Yu-Chi Han
關鍵詞(英文):loveerosphilosophy of lovelove and art
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The purpose of this thesis is to provide my own reflections on love. I have split the topic into six sections: loving oneself, romantic love, love and family, women and love, sacred love, and lastly, love and language. These sections arise from my research and knowledge of the philosophy behind the idea of love, as talked about extensively in Ancient Greek texts and modern day philosophies and religions.

The Ancient Greeks had many words and definitions for different types of love, but I feel that today’s society is in a state of crisis because we tend to focus solely on romantic love. Therefore, my thesis seeks to address these issues through the medium of art, partly driven by the fact that there are many books, many movies and a lot of music on this subject, but very little of yet in the realm of fine art. I hope to be able to break new ground on this.

Another reason for embarking on this thesis is because through creating art, I am able to express and understand my own emotions, hence this thesis is also a personal journey of my own experiences of love in my life from my birth until this day. I hope that when others look at my work, they can feel a strong emotion within themselves, as even though each person’s experience is personal to oneself, we as a collective whole are ever trying to better understand this emotion that drives and affects us all.
Chapter One: Introduction 1
Section One: General Statement of the Problem 1
Section Two: Significance of the Thesis 2
Section Three: Research Question(s), Limitations and Delimitations, Assumptions and Definitions of Terms 3
Chapter Two: Review of Related Literature 5
Section One: Marc Chagall 5
Section Two: Greek Philosophies of Love 12
Section Three: Eros 15
Section Four: The Philosophies of Thich Nhat Hanh 20
Section Five: The Work of Alain de Botton 22
Section Six: The Impact of Language on Love 23
Section Seven: Artwork Whose Energies Inspire Me 26
Section Eight: Kartika Affandi’s Painting Method 29
Chapter Three: Design and Methodology 32
Section One: Thesis Artwork Design Plan 32
Section Two: Thesis Artwork Methodology 33
Section Three: Painting Using My Hands 34
Section Four: How I Create 36
Section Five: Colour Studies 44
Chapter Four: Findings 47
Section One: Loving Oneself 47
Section Two: Romantic Love 55
Section Three: Love and Family 67
Section Four: Women and Love 76
Section Five: Sacred Love 85
Section Six: Love and Language 93
Section Seven: Solo Exhibition 98
Chapter Five: Conclusion 101
Section One: Conclusion 101
Section Two: Future Work 103
Bibliography 105
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