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作者(英文):Yi-Xun Chen
論文名稱:慢性精神護理之家住民再日常化生活之可能 ─以籃球特攻隊為例
論文名稱(英文):The Possibility of The Residents Re-Normal Life in The Chronic Psych Nursing Home - A Case Study of Basketball Activity
指導教授(英文):Wei-Lun Lee
Liang-Shao Huang
關鍵詞(英文):Chronic psych nursing homeSchizophreniaNew ordinary
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Nowadays, the psyche medical system in Taiwan emphasizes psych patients’ human rights. The previous system needs to adjust to the recent system. Both clinical scholars and practitioners attempt to find new paths and possibilities to meet this transition. However, changes in the system result in adjustments in various clinical activities, and clinical practitioners may face difficulties in treating the psyche of patients in new ways. This technical report used transitional space as a concept and human clinical psychology as a method to develop a new dialogue and path. The phenomenological method was used to analyze and interpret them. It described the concept by new ordinary concepts that have been applied in the psych institution and the possibility to use in the clinical area. These three positions in the new ordinary concept are the acceptance position, self-intention position, and negotiation position. These three positions revealed a new possibility to care for patients, avoid conflict with the mainstream dialogue, and support one another in different aspects. This technical report applied the concepts and principles in this activity program and managed the activities schedule then noted the worksheet for “a new ordinary technical group handbook” editing. The findings not only showed the possibility of patient-central and the authenticity of the patient but also the possibility of caring for patients in different aspects of “patient” and “human”.
第壹章、 緒論 1
第一節、 技術報告動機 1
第二節、 技術報告目的 3
第貳章、 文獻探討 7
第一節、 生物精神醫學觀點 8
第二節、 人文社會科學觀點 16
第三節、 與人相遇(癒) 21
第四節、 小結 24
第參章、 技術報告問題與方法 27
第一節、 技術報告問題 27
第二節、 現象學觀點 28
第三節、 技術報告資料蒐集程序 29
第四節、 技術報告倫理議題 32
第肆章、 技術報告結果 35
第一節、 活動成果的質性呈現(歷程分析) 36
第二節、 活動成果的量化呈現(趨勢變化) 44
第伍章、 討論 55
第一節、 「新日常」經驗的內涵 55
第二節、 實務現場的應用 64
第三節、 籃球活動方案實務分析 76
第陸章、 結論與建議 79
第一節、 結論與建議 79
第二節、 技術報告限制 82
參考文獻 83
附錄 89
新日常技術團體操作手冊 89
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