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作者(英文):Shan-Shan Ruan
論文名稱(英文):Research on the Future Time Perspective, Career Self-Efficacy and Career Decision
指導教授(英文):Pei-Yun Liu
口試委員(英文):Yu-Jing Gao
Ming-Chou Liu
關鍵詞(英文):future time perspectivecareer self-efficacycareer decision
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The purpose of this study is to explore the relative impacts among vocational and senior high school students' future time perspective, career self-efficacy and career decision, and verify the mediating effect of career self-efficacy in the future time perspective and career decision. In this study, according to the education statistics of the 106th academic year, 745,460 high school students were used as the population. Based on the proportion of 11.5:6:6.8:1 in the North, Central, South and East of Taiwan, participants were randomly selected from each district, and the total of 801 students were summed up to test the validity of Scale of Future Time Perspective, Scale of Career Self-efficacy, and Scale of Career Decision.

Applying the descriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlation analysis, one-way MANOVA, Independent Samples t-test, multiple regression analysis, hierarchical regression analysis and other statistical methods for data analysis formally test the stratified random sampling of 1,967 students.

The main findings of the research are as follows:
1. High school students’ future time perspective, career self-efficacy and career decision are all above average.
2. High school students with different background variables have significant differences in the future time perspective.
(1) Girls’ performance in "perceived instrumentality" is higher than boys.
(2) High school students have higher performances in "connectedness" and "value" than vocational high school students, while vocational high school students have higher performance than high school students in "perceived instrumentality".
(3) The performance of the third grade in "connectedness" and "affectivity" are higher than the second grade. The performance of the first grade in "perceived instrumentality" is significantly higher than the second and third grades.
3. High school students with different background variables have significant differences in career self-efficacy.
(1) Boys' performance on "the intensity of confidence" and "generalizability" is higher than girls.
(2) High school students have higher performances in "the consciousness of difficulty" than vocational high school students.
(3) The performance of the third grade on "the intensity of confidence" is higher than the second grade.
4. High school students with different background variables have significant differences in career decision.
(1) Girls’ performance in "anxiety and hesitation" is higher than the male students, while boys’ performance in "decision timing" is higher than the female students.
(2) The "external obstacles" faced by high school students are significantly higher than those of vocational school students, while the vocational school students are significantly higher in "decision timing" than high school students..
(3) In the second and third grades, the performance of "lack of personal knowledge", "anxiety and hesitation" and "external obstacles" are significantly higher than the first grade, while the performance of "decision timing" in the second grade is significantly higher than the first grade.
5. There is a significant positive correlation between future time perspective and career self-efficacy; there is a significant negative correlation between career self-efficacy and career decision; there is a significant negative correlation between future time perspective and career decision.
6. Career self-efficacy has a mediating effect between future time perspective and career decision.
(1) Career self-efficacy has partial mediating effects between the future time perspective and "anxiety and hesitation".
(2) Career self-efficacy has partial mediating effects between the future time perspective and "lack of personal knowledge".
(3) Career self-efficacy has partial mediating effects between the future time perspective and "lack of educational and professional knowledge".
(4) Career self-efficacy has full and partial mediating effects between the future time perspective and "decision timing".
(5) Career self-efficacy has full and partial mediating effects between the future time perspective and "external obstacles".
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的   1
第二節 研究問題   2
第三節 名詞解釋   2

第二章 文獻探討
第一節 未來時間觀的理論與相關研究   6
壹、未來時間觀的意義   6
貳、未來時間觀的理論   6
參、本研究建構之未來時間觀   9
肆、不同背景變項對未來時間觀的影響   10
第二節 生涯自我效能理論與相關研究   13
壹、生涯自我效能的意義   13
貳、生涯自我效能的理論發展   13
參、本研究建構之生涯自我效能   16
肆、不同背景變項對生涯自我效能的影響   16
第三節 生涯決定理論與相關研究   18
壹、生涯決定的意義   18
貳、生涯決定的理論發展   18
參、本研究建構之生涯決定   22
肆、不同背景變項對生涯決定的影響   23
第四節 未來時間觀、生涯自我效能與生涯決定的相關研究   24
壹、未來時間觀與生涯自我效能與生涯決定的相關研究   24
貳、生涯自我效能與生涯決定的相關研究   26
參、生涯自我效能在未來時間觀與生涯決定間的中介效果   28

第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構   31
壹、研究變項之概述   31
貳、分析程序   31
參、中介變項的要件及考驗   31
第二節 研究假設   32
第三節 研究對象   33
第四節 研究工具   36
壹、未來時間觀量表   36
貳、生涯自我效能量表   37
參、生涯決定量表   39
第五節 實施程序   42
第六節 資料處理   42

第四章 研究結果與討論
第一節 基本統計分析   45
壹、各變項之描述統計分析   45
貳、性別在研究變項上的差異分析   47
貳、學制在研究變項上的差異分析   50
參、年級在研究變項上的差異分析   52
第二節 未來時間觀、生涯自我效能及生涯決定之相關   56
壹、未來時間觀、生涯自我效能與生涯決定的相關表現情形   56
貳、未來時間觀對生涯自我效能之預測   59
參、生涯自我效能與生涯決定之預測   60
肆、未來時間觀對生涯決定之預測   61
第三節 生涯自我效能在未來時間觀與生涯決定間的中介效果   64
壹、生涯自我效能在未來時間觀與「焦慮猶豫」的中介情形   64
貳、生涯自我效能在未來時間觀與「缺乏個人知識」的中介情形   67
參、生涯自我效能在未來時間觀與「缺乏教育及職業知識」的中介情形   68
肆、生涯自我效能在未來時間觀與「決定時機」的中介情形   70
伍、生涯自我效能在未來時間觀與「外在阻礙」的中介情形   71

第五章 結論與建議
第一節 結論   75
第二節 建議   79

參考文獻   83
附  錄   93
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