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作者:Regina Siburian
作者(英文):Regina Siburian
論文名稱:How are Colonization and Nationalism Presented in a High School History Textbook Based on Indonesian 2013 Curriculum
論文名稱(英文):How are Colonization and Nationalism Presented in a High School History Textbook Based on Indonesian 2013 Curriculum
指導教授(英文):Yih-Sheue Lin
口試委員:Pan Tsung Yi
口試委員(英文):Pan Tsung Yi
Gu-jing Lin
關鍵詞(英文):2013 Indonesian Curriculumhistory textbookcritical discourse analysisnational identity
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Curriculum plays a substantial role in the textbooks of a country which reflects power and ideology. Especially in history textbooks which can shape the collective historical knowledge of a country. The Indonesian government has changed the national curriculum several times, and the current curriculum is the 2013 Curriculum. The 2013 curriculum offers the balance of cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects. Therefore this study was aimed to analyze the History textbook of Indonesian 2013 curriculum Senior High School in grade eleven. The textbook used in this study is Sejarah Indonesia Kelas XI (Indonesian history grade eleven) which is widely used in schools, especially public schools. Methodology research used in this study is qualitative research with a critical discourse analysis approach by Van Dijk. Based on the macrostructure and microstructure analysis, findings showed that national identity emerged as the main theme instead of the balance of affective, cognitive, and psychomotor aspects. Recommendations are offered to investigate more diverse history textbooks and the teaching strategy in the classroom.
Acknowledgement i
Abstract ii
Chapter One: Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 The motivation for the research 4
1.3 Purpose of the research 4
1.4 Research questions 5
1.5 Significance of the research 5
1.6 Scope and limitation of the research 5
Chapter Two: Literature Review 7
2.1 Goals of history education 7
2.2 The role of the history textbook 8
2.3 The development of curriculum in Indonesia 9
2.4 The development of the 2013 Curriculum 12
2.4.1 Philosophy of 2013 curriculum 14
2.4.2 The aims of the 2013 curriculum 14
2.4.3 Theoretical model of competency-based curriculum 15
2.4.4 Content design of 2013 curriculum 15
2.4.5 Process dimension of 2013 curriculum 17
2.4.6 The assessment of student learning outcomes 17
2.4.7 The position of history education in 2013 curriculum 18
2.5 Textbook research 20
Chapter Three: Methodology 25
3.1 Research method 25
3.1.1 Critical discourse analysis 26
3.2 Sampling: Textbook 28
3.3 Data analysis 32
3.3.1 Process of this research 32
3.4 Validity 33
Chapter Four: Findings and Discussion 35
4.1 Interpretation of written discourse 35
4.1.1 Macrostructure analysis 35
4.1.2 Microstructures analysis 44
4.2 Implementation of the 2013 curriculum in the history textbook 51
4.3 Indonesian identity according to the history textbook 57
Chapter Five: Conclusions 59
5.1 Conclusions 59
5.2 Suggestions 60
5.2.1 For practitioners 60
5.2.2 For future research 61
5.3 Limitations 62
References 63
Appendix 1 69
Appendix 2 70
Appendix 3 71

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Undang- Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional.

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