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作者:Yayuni Dosmaria Saragih
作者(英文):Yayuni Dosmaria Saragih
論文名稱:Teaching Critical Literacy in an EFL Classroom: A Study of Senior High School in Simalungun County, Indonesia
論文名稱(英文):Teaching Critical Literacy in an EFL Classroom: A Study of Senior High School in Simalungun County, Indonesia
指導教授(英文):Chien-Min Kao
口試委員(英文):Ai-Chun Yen
Pei-Lan Chen
關鍵詞(英文):Teaching Critical LiteracyCritical LiteracyEFL classroomEnglish teaching
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This study aims to teach critical literacy (CL) into the English Foreign Language (EFL) classroom to examine the enhancement of eleventh grade senior high school students’ critical literacy. This study not only investigates the challenges found during the English teaching program and how to deal with them but also how to develop teaching CL and how it may be studied. The data were gain from classroom observations, students’ reflective learning journals, students’ artifacts, reading responsive sheet, and interview. The gained data were analyzed using the four dimensions model of critical literacy (Lewison, et.al, 2002). The finding of this research showed that implementing critical literacy in the EFL classroom on senior high school students had assisted the student to be critically literate by having new perspectives. The finding of this research showed that implementing critical literacy in the EFL classroom on senior high school students could assist the student to become critically literate by having new perspectives. The students could have widely-held beliefs using a new lens, engage multiple viewpoints, make connections between their personal lives and their socio-political contexts, and do self-reflect or taking action on the issues that matter to them. The finding of this research showed that implementing critical literacy in the EFL classroom on senior high school students could assist the student to become critically literate by having new perspectives. The students could have widely-held beliefs using a new lens, engage multiple viewpoints, make connections between their personal lives and their socio-political contexts, and do self-reflect or taking action on the issues that matter to them. CL appears to have helped students become more critical, tolerant, and socially aware. Students’ motivation in English learning is also enhanced.

Background of the Study 1
Purpose of the study 2
Research Questions 2
Definitions of Key Term 3
English Teaching in Indonesia 5
History of English language in Indonesia 6
How English has been taught in Indonesia 7
The current English teaching curriculum for senior high school in Indonesia 9
Critical Literacy 10
Critical Literacy for EFL Classroom 12
Research Design 17
Research Participants 17
Setting 18
Participants 19
CL Curriculum 22
Reading Materials 23
Colonialism 23
Religion 24
Lesson Plan 25
Data Collection 28
Classroom Observation 29
Students’ Reflective Journal 30
Students’ Artifact 30
Reading Response Sheet 30
Interview 31
Data Analysis 31
Analysis of Data from Classroom Observation 31
Analysis of Data from Students’ Reflective Journal 32
Analysis of Data from Interview 33
CL dimensions 35
Disrupting the Commonplace 36
Considering multiple perspectives 41
Focusing on socio-political issues 44
Taking Action 49
Challenges in the Implementation of CL 52
Time of Learning 52
Students’ English Proficiency 53
Teacher’s Competence 54
School Facilities 55
To deal with the challenges of teaching CL 56
Improving teaching CL 58
Continuation of Critical Literacy 58
Technology Integration 60
Appropriate EFL reading/teaching materials 60
Pedagogical Aspect of Teaching Critical Literacy 61
Modified Teaching Strayegies 61
Enrichment Learning Resources 62
Conclusions 65
Limitations 66
Suggestions 67
Lesson Plan 76

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