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作者(英文):Kuei-Fen Chang
論文名稱(英文):An Action Research on Rural Adolescents’ Learning Nonviolent Communication to Enhance Emotion Awareness and Interpersonal Interaction Skills
指導教授(英文):Yih-Sheue Lin
口試委員(英文):Shuie-Ling Lee
Yu-Chun Ku
關鍵詞(英文):Nonviolent CommunicationAdolescentsRural AreaInterpersonal InteractionEmotion Awareness
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本研究的主要目的是結合非暴力溝通(Nonviolent Communication)的精神與內容,透過行動研究的方式,探討偏鄉青少年於國中八年級輔導課程中學習非暴力溝通,在面對各種壓力及人際溝通問題時,有關情緒覺察與人際互動上的影響。


Rural adolescents face all sorts of pressure and interpersonal communication issues with little related cultural capitals. The main purpose of this action research is to incorporate both the spirit and contents of nonviolent communication into the 8th-grade counseling course in order to explore the impact upon emotion awareness and interpersonal interaction.

This research lasted two semesters, of which 21 lessons were given. I as the researcher conducted course design, teaching and assessment based upon the ever-changing status quo of the students. The data include students’ worksheets, class participation observation and videotaping, post-course interviews with the students, interviews with the counseling teacher, the homeroom teacher and parents, plus the researcher’s self-reflection journals. After analysis, this research finds that after acquiring the knowledge and skills of nonviolent communication including the four steps, i.e. observation, feelings, needs and requests, the students have more understanding about where the personal feelings originate and are equipped with better emotion awareness and better proficiency in self-reflection. By empathizing with themselves and the others, adolescents are capable of handling interpersonal conflicts with more rational and peaceful ways as well as preventing possible deviant behaviors from happening. Furthermore, while improving their emotion awareness and interpersonal interaction competence, their overall learning effects have been improved as well.
The research also finds that when implementing the nonviolent communication in the rural junior high school setting, certain adjustment is required upon contents and teaching strategies in order to meet with the development of the adolescent brains and the cultural capital gap. In light of the abovementioned researching findings, adolescents can receive help with their self-empowerment and the implementation of ideal personal future on the one hand; for the researcher/instructors also learns.
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻探討 5
第三章 研究設計 21
第四章 結果與討論 47
第五章 結論與建議 101
參考書目 109


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