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作者(英文):Huilu Ngoo
論文名稱(英文):The Investigation of Tao Parental Language Ideology and Family Language Policy
指導教授(英文):Apay Ai-yu Tang
口試委員(英文):Tien-Tai Wu
Tai-Yuan Li
關鍵詞(英文):Tao LanguageTao PeoplePongso no Tao (Orchid Island)Language IdeologyFamily Language Policy
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  家庭是語言傳承的重要場域,而語言意識形態為家庭語言政策的關鍵因素。達悟語和其他臺灣南島語言一樣,面臨語言流失的危機,家長的意識形態直接影響家庭的語言實踐與語言管理。臺灣的社會結構影響了族人的語言意識形態,並衝擊了族人在家庭、部落、學校、社會場域的族語實踐。本文以Spolsky(2004, 2009, 2012)家庭語言政策理論為基礎,初步探討達悟家長的語言意識形態與家庭語言政策間的關係,研究問題為:(1)達悟家長的語言意識形態為何?(2)達悟家長如何實踐語言?(3)達悟家長如何管理家庭語言政策?本研究採半結構式訪談及參與式觀察,並以蘭嶼和臺灣的達悟族人為研究對象。
 Family is a crucial field for the transmission of a heritage language, and language ideology is a key factor in family language policy. Like other indigenous languages in Taiwan, Tao language is facing the crisis of language extinction. Parental language ideologies directly affect the family’s language practice and language management. Taiwan's social structure has influenced language ideology on Pongso no Tao (Orchid Island), and it has been affecting their language practices within family, tribal, school, and social fields. Base on Spolsky’s (2004, 2009, 2012) theory of family language policy, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between Tao parental language ideology and family language policy. The research questions are as follows: (1) What are the language ideologies of Tao parents? (2) How do Tao parents practice languages? and (3) How do Tao parents manage their family language policy? This study employs ethnographic methods of inquiry including semi–structured interviews and participant observations.
 The findings suggest that parental language ideology is the key factor which leads the orientation of language ideology and determines the family language policy: (1) Social structure has impacted the Tao people’s language ideology, and affected language practices of parents in Taiwan and Pongso no Tao. This is resulting in language loss, generational language gaps, and parents deciding to use Mandarin within the family; and (2) even if parents adopt language ideologies that support family language policy, children still face peer pressure to use Mandarin within society. This leads to contradictory language values between children and parents. In addition, parents face the dilemma of heritage language not being transmitted from family to school, and society.
 In order to promote maintenance of family heritage language, this study suggests: (1) The government should actively create a respectful environment for ethnic culture, and create more opportunities for people who could use heritage language at the workplace. Moreover, the government should return the right of education to Tao people, so they could set up indigenous schools to promote language values in society field; (2) Parents should persist in practicing Tao language in tribal and family fields which could also increase opportunities for using the heritage language in various other fields, and ensue the heritage language is passed down from generation to generation within family, and enhance the visibility of the language in society.
摘 要 I
目 錄 V
表 目 錄 VII
圖 目 錄 IX
第 1 章  緒論       1
 第 1 節 研究背景與動機  1
 第 2 節 研究目的與問題  3
 第 3 節 名詞釋義     3
 第 4 節 研究範圍與限制  5
第 2 章  文獻回顧     7
 第 1 節 家庭語言政策   7
 第 2 節 語言意識形態   10
 第 3 節 影響語言實踐的因素 12
 第 4 節 達悟語及語言政策相關研究 16
第 3 章  研究方法與設計  25
 第 1 節 研究方法     25
 第 2 節 研究架構     28
 第 3 節 研究場域     29
 第 4 節 資料分析     31
第 4 章  研究結果     33
 第 1 節 家長的語言意識形態 33
 第 2 節 家長的語言實踐   37
 第 3 節 家長的語言管理   59
第 5 章  討論        75
 第 1 節 語言意識形態對家長語言選擇的影響 75
 第 2 節 場域對語言實踐的影響       76
 第 3 節 環境對家庭語言管理的影響     79
第 6 章  結論與建議    83
 第 1 節 結論       83
 第 2 節 建議       83
參考書目           87
附錄 1  訪談大綱      95
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