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作者(英文):Chi-Liang Li
論文名稱(英文):The Impact of Self-efficacy Belief Curriculum on EFL Learners’ Writing Abilities
指導教授(英文):Yueh-Hung Tseng
口試委員(英文):Ya-Chun Shih
Li-Te Li
關鍵詞(英文):Self-efficacy beliefWriting AbilityEnglish as a Foreign Language (EFL)Qualitative Research
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The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of Self-efficacy Belief curriculum on grade-six students in eastern Taiwan. There are two objectives in this study. Firstly, the researcher is determined to find out how the two sources of self-efficacy, Mastery Experience and Social Persuasion, impact on students’ writing self-efficacy beliefs. Secondly, this study also seeks to find out how the self-efficacy impacts on children’s writing abilities through questionnaires, follow-up interviews, classroom observation, field notes, journal entries, and audio tapes, drawings, artefacts, and writing data analysis. The overall design adopted a qualitative case study research method which is more suitable to adapt to different situations. Four students out of the twenty-seven sixth grade students in one class from an elementary school in Hualien county were enrolled as the participants in the 6-week teaching program, and the data was collected and analysed from March to May, 2019.
Results showed that learners' writing self-efficacy was enhanced by the Self-efficacy Belief curriculum. Moreover, findings suggested that the Self-efficacy Belief curriculum had a positive effect on the students and boosted their writing self-efficacy belief. In addition, by understanding the importance of writing self-efficacy belief, the students’ writing ability was strengthened after the Self-efficacy Belief curriculum.

Background of the Study 1
Statement of the problem 2
Purposes of the Study 3
Research Questions 4
Definition of Terms 4
Significance of the Study 6
Limitation and delimimtation of the Study 7
Organization of the study 7
Self-efficacy Belief 9
Self-efficacy Belief on writing 11
Overall 15
The Research Design… 16
The Participants 17
The Role of the Teacher 17
The Research Procedure 18
Data Collection… 20
Data Analysis 25
Summary 27
Overall 31
Mastery Experience 31
Social Persuasion 34
Proficient and struggling learners’ writing abilities changes 36
Conclusion 43
Summary of the Findings 52
Pedagogical Implications 53
Recommendations for Future Research 54
References 56
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