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作者:Ira Elpriana Girsang
作者(英文):Ira Elpriana Girsang
論文名稱:Implementing Critical Literacy in Social Media to Senior High School Students in Indonesia
論文名稱(英文):Implementing Critical Literacy in Social Media to Senior High School Students in Indonesia
指導教授:Yueh-Hung Tseng
指導教授(英文):Yueh-Hung Tseng
口試委員:Ya-Chun Shih
Li-Te Li
口試委員(英文):Ya-Chun Shih
Li-Te Li
關鍵詞(英文):Critical LiteracyReading ComprehensionIssues on Social Media
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Critical literacy is still new term for Indonesia students, especially the students start from elementary school up to senior high school students. Reading activity in students English regular class still exist on textual comprehension, which is focused on translating vocabulary and answer questions based on the reading text. The reality that reading is not only for textual comprehension but also for meaning beyond the text. Therefore, this research is about implementing critical literacy in social media to senior high school students in Indonesia. The purpose of doing this research to know the influence of implementing critical literacy to students reading comprehension and to know student’s perceptions by implementing critical literacy in their English class. In doing this research, the researcher uses qualitative case study and teacher as research approach. Data were collected from students artifacts, class observations, reading response sheets, learning feedback sheets, teaching journal and interviews. Then the data were analyzed by using qualitative data analysis of Miles and Huberman (1994) and categories of Huang (2009). The finding of this research showed that by implementing critical literacy the senior high school students could read through critical literacy perspectives. The students have knowledge about author’s perspectives, and author’s purposes in some issues on social media. They could question silenced voices of the things which were not appeared in those issues. The students also could connect the issues on social media to wealth and gender. By doing this, the students demonstrated their awareness of how the issues on social media connected to the world. Then the students encouraged to have self reflection on what they read and wrote on social media, they were able to rewrite the world by making action to promote social justice in social media and they also helped to understand critical literacy as social practice and critical stance. Furthermore by implementing critical literacy, the students had positive perspectives by implementing critical literacy in their English class. Finally, this research also contributes in giving implications and suggestions to English teachers specially in Indonesia and future researchers.
Chapter One: Introduction 1
Background of the Study 1
Purpose of the Study 4
Research Questions 5
Significance of the Study 5
Definition of Terms 6

Chapter Two: Literature Review 9
Critical Literacy 10
Critical Literacy in EFL Students 11
Critical Literacy in EFL Curriculum 15
A Model of Critical Literacy Instruction 15
Critical Literacy in the Use of Social Media 17

Chapter Three: Methodology 21
Research Design 22
Setting and Participant 24
Critical Literacy Curriculum 29
Reading Materials 29
Curriculum Design 30
Lesson Plan 31
Class Activities 33
Data Collection 35
Students’ Artifacts 36
Reading Response Sheet 36
Learning Feedback Sheet 37
Class Observation with Video Recording 37
Teaching Journal 38
Background Information Questionnaires 38
Interview 38
Data Analysis 39
Trustworthiness 44

Chapter Four: Finding and Discussion 45
The Influence of Critical Literacy to Students Reading Comprehension 45
Textual Choices 45
Assuming the Author’s Perspectives in the Content of
Social Media Issue 46
Assuming the Author’s Purposes in Writing Social Media Issue 49
Conclusion and Discussion of Textual Choices 53
Silenced Voices 54
Silenced Voices of Other Things that had not Expressed 55
Silenced Voices of Other Ways of Thinking about the Topic 60
Conclusion and Discussion of Silenced Voices 62
Social Relations 64
Social Relations in Term of Wealth 65
Social Relations in Term of Gender 66
Conclusion and Discussion of Social Relations 68
The Word and the World 69
Connecting to Personal Life Experience 70
Conclusion and Discussion of the Word and the World 73
Self-Reflective Stance 73
Student’s Reflection 74
Rewriting the World 76
Conclusion and Discussion of Self-Reflective Stance 80
Conclusion and Discussion of the Influence of Critical Literacy to Students Reading Comprehension 81
Student’s Perceptions by Implementing Critical Literacy 83
Student’s Perceptions in Regular English Class 84
Student’s Perceptions in Critical Literacy Classroom 89
Conclusion and Discussion of Student’s Perceptions by Implementing Critical Literacy 94

Chapter Five: Conclusions and Implications 97
Conclusion of the Findings 97
Implications 100
Limitations 101

Suggestions 101

References 103
Appendix 107
Appendix A: Permission Letter 107
Appendix B Lesson Plan 109
Appendix C Form of Interviewing the Author of Advertisement 113
Appendix D Layout Letter to Author 114
Appendix E Reading Response Sheet 115
Appendix F Background Information Questionnaire 116
Appendix G Learning Feedback Sheet 117
Appendix H Interview Questions 118
Appendix I The list of Coding 120
Appendix J Social Media Issues 121
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