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作者(英文):Deng Wen
論文名稱(英文):Transferable domination number of graphs
指導教授(英文):David Kuo
口試委員(英文):Jiann-Ming Wu
Ma-Lian Chia
關鍵詞(英文):dominating setdomination numbertransferable domination numbergrid
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於D1,D2∈D(G),如果存在u∈D1和v∈D2,使得uv∈E(G)且D1−{u}=D2−{v},則我們稱為D1 是單步可轉移為D2,並記為 D1 → D2。而如果D1是可以經由多步(一個序列)轉移為D2,則記為 D1 →^* D2。如果 D1 →^* D2,對於D1,D2∈D(G)且|D1|=|D2|=k.,則稱G是k可轉移的。圖形G的可移控制數是指最小整數k,對於所有的 l ≥ k,可以保證G為l可轉移的,我們用γt∗ (G) 來表示圖形 G 的可移控制數。

本文研究了圖形的可移控制數,我們給出了二部圖的可移控制數的上界、方格圖的可移控制數的下界,並且我們還確定 P2 × Pn 和 P3 × Pn 的可移控制數。除此之外,我們舉一個例子來說明,圖形G的可移控制數與最小整數k之間的差距可以任意大,而使得G為k可轉移的。
Let G be a connected graph, and let D(G) be the set of all dominating
(multi)sets for G. For D1 and D2 in D(G), we say that D1 is single-step
transferable to D2, denoted as D1 → D2, if there exist u ∈ D1 and v ∈ D2, such that uv∈E(G)and D1−{u}=D2−{v}. We write D1 →^* D2
if D1 can be transferred to D2 through a sequence of single-step transfers. We say that G is k-transferable if D1 →^* D2 for any D1, D2 ∈ D(G) with |D1| = |D2| = k. The transferable domination number of G, denoted by γt∗(G), is the smallest integer k to guarantee that G is l-transferable for all l ≥ k. We study the transferable domination number of graphs in this thesis. We give an upper bound for the transferable domination number of bipartite graphs and give a lower bound for the transferable domination number of grids. We also determine the transferable domination number of P2 × Pn and P3 × Pn. Besides these, we give an example to show that the gap between the transferable domination number of a graph G and the smallest number k so that G is k-transferable can be arbitrarily large.
1 Introduction 1
2 Preliminary 3
3 Transferable domination number of bipartite graphs 5
4 Transferable domination number of grids 7
5 The gap between the smallest number to guarantee mutual transferability and the transferable domination number 15
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