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作者(英文):Chun-Kuan Wu
論文名稱(英文):To Implement a Multi-core Real-time Operation System on URduino
指導教授(英文):Chang-Hsiung Tsai
口試委員(英文):Pao-Lien Lai
Tzeng-Kuei Li
關鍵詞(英文):Multi-coreReal-time Operation SystemFPGAURduinoOpenRISC
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  本論文將實作多核心即時作業系統在一塊 FPGA 的開發板 URduino 上,已被燒錄雙核心 OpenRISC 1200 中央處理器電路。基於這個環境,從頭開始撰寫一個即時作業系統並移植至此開發板上,使多核心開發板能多工處理以及優先序排程可以有效率的執行。而透過這個過程可以接觸到開發板的Verilog電路檔,了解其開機後從Bootloader開始到加載Kernel到核心,最後執行使用者程式碼的每個流程。為了達到我的目的也必須修改Linker Script改變記憶體配置和Verilog電路檔改變記憶體映射使專案可以正確執行。同時培養出依硬體不同客製化多核心即時作業系統以及可以從硬體、軟體兩個角度對整個專案除錯的能力。
  Recently, the embedded system has been flourishing. Multi-core embedded system is easy to see, but it is general like cell phones or high-level development boards. Most of the operating systems running on development boards are small “Linux” operating systems and have too many functions. When the development operation is not high level may develop towards multi-core architecture, it is not necessary to have so many functions but it needs a multi-core real-time operating system. Linux is not real-time and has too many functions, so it is not the best choice.
  In this paper, we implement a multi-core real-time operating system on an FPGA development board, URduino, with dual-core OpenRISC CPU circuit. We program and port it to this development board. Letting multi-core operating system work efficiently by multiplexing and priority scheduling. During the process of implementing it, the Verilog of development board is touched and every procedure from the development booting, BIOS working, boot loader-loading kernel to memory and finally executing user program is known. In order to reach the goal, even the Linker Script needs to be modified, changing the memory section and Verilog changing the memory mapping. After this tremendous amount of work is finished, not only the ability to customize a multi-core real-time operating system for different hardware has been acquired, but also the knowledge of debugging whole projects from the software side and hardware side.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
第一章、 研究目的與動機 1
第二章、 相關知識 2
2.1 即時作業系統 2
2.2 URduino開發板介紹 3
2.3 OpenRISC 1200介紹 4
第三章、研究方法 5
3.1 原始專案 5
3.1.1 專案程式碼 5
3.1.2 問題統整 8
3.2 硬體系統架構 10
3.2.1 Wishbone 10
3.2.2 主要特色 11
3.2.3 電路實作方法 12
3.2.4 開發板電路架構 13
3.2.5 啟動程序 15
3.2.6 Core與SRAM 24
第四章、實作 28
4.1 Wishbone實作 28
4.2系統架構修改 34
4.2.1 更改Core記憶體映射 35
4.2.2 將指定程式放至指定的記憶體區域 36
4.2.3 修改後SRAM映射 37
4.3 UrOS多核心即時作業系統之實作 38
4.3.1 系統移植 41
4.3.2 UrOS各模組實作 47
第五章、UrOS入門 86
5.1 urduinoIDE 86
5.2 第一個應用程式 88
5.2.1 main檔內容 88
5.2.2 newtask_edited檔內容 89
5.2.3 執行結果 93
第六章、結論 94
6.1 專案修改的前後差異 94
6.2 未來可改良的地方 95
參考文獻 96
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