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作者(英文):Heng Lu
論文名稱(英文):Analyzing Headway Outliers of Bus Trajectory Data By Temporal Sequential Pattern Mining: A Case Study of Bus Route 307 in Taipei City
指導教授(英文):Guan-Ling Lee
口試委員(英文):Yao-Chung Chang
Shou-Chih Lo
關鍵詞(英文):Temporal SequenceBus BunchingBus HeadwaySequencial Pattern Mining
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公車車輛聚集(Bus Bunching)指相同公車路線上,有兩輛以上的公車同時到達公車站牌。這樣的現象常出現在高頻率的市區公車路線,而且會對公車服務造成負面影響。時間序列式樣探勘(Temporal Sequential Pattern Mining)指將資料點按發生時間的先後順序排列、並找出其循序式樣,此方法原應用於分析消費者的時間連續性購物內容,而本論文將此方法應用在連續的公車到站時間紀錄上,用以分析公車班距離群值的分布情況。
“Bus Bunching” phenomenon, which implies more than one bus arrive at a bus stop simultaneously, often occurs on high-frequency bus routes and causes negative effects on bus services. In order to identify and analyze bus bunching, we take a high frequency bus service case – Route 307 in Taipei City for study.
“Temporal Sequential Pattern Mining” means arranging data points into time orders and mining their sequential patterns. The method was used as mining consumer’s continuous shopping record previously, whereas this thesis applied it to analyze headway outliers of buses.
We chose 9 bus stops on the specific bus route for observation. Based on the observations, we discussed the distribution of headway outliers, found the bus bunching patterns, and analyzed the neighbor stops of outliers. After collecting the Automatic Vehicle Location data, we proposed the following methods for data preprocessing. And they are trip encoding, detecting data interruption, filling the interrupt data, and counting headways between two adjacent buses. Then, we divided the data into 5 groups by its headway, and distinguished outliers from the data. Finally, we utilized AprioriAll algorithm to mine sequential patterns, and found the frequent patterns that corresponded to time sequence outliers.
Expermental results showed that the specific patterns “S6→S2,” and “S2→S6” are likely to be the bus bunching patterns. Compared to previous studies, our method distinguishes the headway outliers by boxplot, and implements sequential pattern mining algorithm. We not only find out frequent sequential patterns, but also recognize the place where bus bunching occurred.
謝辭  i
顯著聲明  ii
摘要  iii
Abstract  iv
第一章 緒論  1
第二章 文獻回顧  3
2.1 公車車輛聚集(Bus Bunching)  3
2.2 序列式樣探勘(Sequential Pattern Mining)  5
第三章 問題定義  6
3.1 公車車輛集中問題  6
3.2 資料前處理問題  8
3.3 時間序列式樣探勘  9
3.4 實驗流程說明  9
第四章 實驗模型與架構  11
4.1 資料收集模型與資料型態  11
4.2 車次編碼及排序模型  13
4.3 偵測並補足中斷資料  14
4.4 計算車輛到站時間間隔與分組  18
4.5 探勘頻繁時間序列模型  20
第五章 實驗結果與討論  22
5.1 應用系統與資料集  22
5.2 按行車間距四分位數分組結果  22
5.3 頻繁之時間序列  25
5.4 討論  29
5.5 在短程路線的表現  30
第六章 結論與未來展望  34
第七章 參考文獻  35
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