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作者(英文):Ting-Ju Lin
論文名稱(英文):Hash Chain Based Key Pre-distribution Wireless Sensor network
指導教授(英文):Ching-Nung Yang
口試委員(英文):Wen-Chung Kuo
Tao-Ku Chang
關鍵詞(英文):Wireless sensor networkPairwise key distribution schemeKey pre-distributionCaptured sensor node attackHash chain
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無線感測網路 (Wireless Sensor Network; WSN) 是透過無線通信技術,廣泛地建置感測點來做數據的收集、分析、與整合。WSN已經在軍事、工業、和消費等做了廣泛的應用。例如,智慧城市、智能環保與安全、家庭自動化、和健康醫療等領域。由於大量的使用WSN,因此安全性是一個非常重要的議題。為確保WSN的全通信,就需要一個有效率的金鑰分配與管理機制。一般而言,無線感測網路的金鑰分配有兩大類。第一種是成對的金鑰分配。任兩個感測點共享一把金鑰,以得到安全連線。藉由兩兩感測點的安全連線,在無線感測網路內建立一條至匯聚節的安全通道。最終將無線感測網路所收集的資訊,安全地回送至後端的資料庫。另外一種金鑰分配是群體金鑰分享機制,WSN的任一群體共享一把金鑰,以讓群體成員可以用這把金鑰作安全的群體會議通訊。
本論文是關於成對金鑰分配,研究WSN的金鑰預分配 (Key Pre-distribution; KP) 問題。直至目前為止,成對金鑰分配的文獻已有很多,研究者們提出了各種方案以提高安全的連通率,並同時增強網絡抵抗感測點被捕獲的問題。因為攻擊者在捕獲無線感測點時,可能會危及其他安全通道。最近,Bechkit 等人提出了植基於雜湊鏈 (Hash Chain) 的 KP(HCKP)q-composite的成對金鑰分配機制,增強了網絡抵抗無線感測點被捕獲的攻擊。 但是,Bechkit 等人的 HCKP q-composite方案需執行太多的雜湊運算 (註: 所謂的q-composite就是兩個感測器需q把金鑰才能建立安全通訊)。當 q值大時,計算量會更大。本文主要是改善Bechkit 等人的HCKP q-composite金鑰預分配機制,以減少其雜湊運算量,但是仍有相同抵抗無線感測點被捕獲的攻擊能力。
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) based on wireless communication technology deploy sensor nodes for data collection, analysis, and integration. The WSN has already been widely used in military, industrial, and commercial areas, e.g., smart cities, smart environment, home automation, and e-health care. Because of widespread using WSN, security is a very important issue. To ensure a secure communication, an efficient key distribution and management scheme in WSN is necessarily required. Generally speaking, there are two major categories of key distribution for WSN. The first type is pairwise key distribution, in which a secret key may be shared by every two sensor nodes to establish a secure link. A secure channel to a sink node is established via pairwise secure links. Finally, the information gathered from sensor nodes in WSN is securely sent back to back-end database. Another type of key distribution in WSN is group key distribution scheme, in which any group of WSN may share a conference key, such that group members can use it for secure group communication.
This thesis deals with pairwise key distribution, especially is dedicated on studying on the key pre-distribution (KP) in WSN. Up to dated, there have been many literatures on key distribution, and provide a variety of solutions to improve secure connectivity and at the same time to enhance the resistance of the so-called captured sensor node attack. Attacker compromise wireless sensor nodes, and may eavesdrop other links in WSN. Recently, Bechkit et al. proposed a pairwise key distribution scheme based on hash chain (HC), referred to as HCKP q-composite scheme (note: the q-composite scheme means every two nodes need q keys for establishing a secure link), to enhance the resistance ability against the capture-node attack. However, Bechkit et al.’s HCKP q-composite scheme have to apply many hash operations, and this will be more serious for large q. In this thesis, we enhance Bechkit et al.’s scheme to reduce hash operations, and meanwhile still has the same ability to resist the capture-node attack.
第一章 介紹 1
1.1 背景 1
1.2 文章貢獻 9
1.3 文章組織 10

第二章 先前工作 11
2.1 單向雜湊鏈 11
2.2 Bechkit's HCKP q-composite方法 11

第三章 HCKP q-composite方法 15
3.1 HCKP q-composite方法 15
3.2 g+h方法 17

第四章 安全分析 21
4.1 安全分析 21

第五章 結論與未來工作 25
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