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作者(英文):Yi-Zhen He
論文名稱(英文):Asymmetric microlens array fabricated by composite photolithography
指導教授(英文):Mao-Kuo Wei
口試委員(英文):Tien-Lung Chiu
Su-Hua Chen
關鍵詞(英文):diffuserinclined lithographydiffuser lithographyOLEDs
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  • 評分評分:系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔
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本研究分為兩大部分,第一部分為全息式擴散板的光學性質分析與促進有機發光二極體(organic light-emitting diodes, OLED)效率的研究,第二部分為發展複合微影(傾斜微影+擴散板微影)製程以製作非對稱微透鏡陣列,並探討非對稱微透鏡陣列結構參數對於OLED效率和光學性質的影響。
This thesis is divided into two parts. The first is to analyze the optical properties of holographic diffusers and the efficiency improvement of organic-light emitting diodes (OLEDs) using holographic diffusers. The second is to develop composite lithography (the combination of inclined lithography and diffuser lithography) for making asymmetrical microlens arrays and to study the influences of structural parameters of asymmetrical microlenses on the efficiency enhancement and optical properties of the OLEDs.
In the first part of this thesis, surface morphologies and optical properties of holographic diffusers, having diffusing angles of 10-60, were analyzed. Additionally, the influence of the diffusing angles of these diffusers on the optical properties and efficiency improvement of the OLED was investigated.
In the second part of this thesis, a novel technology (composite lithography) was developed to fabricate asymmetrical microlens arrays. The composite lithography is combined inclined lithography and diffuser lithography. In this process, a holographic diffuser was duplicated onto a photomask, followed by putting the mask on the photoresist/Si substrate. The mask/photoresist/Si was then tilted at a specified angle to expose UV light with a desired dose. After development, concave asymmetrical microlens arrays were formed on surface of the photoresist. The convex asymmetrical microlens arrays were formed on glass or PET substrates after PDMS molding and UV forming procedures.
In this thesis, three different tilted angles and different UV exposure doses were used to manufacture asymmetrical microlens arrays. The influences of tilted angle and UV exposure dose on the surface morphology of asymmetrical microlenses will be studied. The influences of structural parameters of asymmetrical microlens array on the optical properties and efficiency enhancement of the OLED will also be discussed.
致謝 I
摘要 III
Abstract V
主目錄 VII
圖目錄 XI
表目錄 XXI
符號目錄 XXIII
第一章 序論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 文獻回顧 2
1.3.1 波導現象 2
1.3.2 微透鏡陣列製作方式 4 溶膠凝膠澆鑄法 4 灰階光罩法 5 選擇性區域圖案製作法 5 準分子雷射拖曳加工法 6 高分子擴散法 7 滴製法 7 光阻熱整形 8 多步驟微影法 9 3D擴散板微影法 10 數位無光罩微影法 10 傾斜微影法 11
1.3.3 微影應用 12
1.3.4 擴散板介紹 15 表面型擴散板製作 17 內部型擴散板製作 19 全息式擴散板製作 22
1.3.4 OLED外部出光增益 23
1.3.4外部結構陣列之增益效果 26
第二章 理論基礎 29
2.1 史奈爾定律 29
2.2 光波導現象 29
2.3 效率增益 30
2.4 穿透率及霧度定義 32
2.5 焦距定義 33
2.6 微透鏡陣列填充率計算 34
2.7 OLED色彩鑑定 35
第三章 實驗步驟與量測方法 39
3.1擴散板分析 39
3.3微透鏡陣列製程 40
3.3.1微影製程 43
3.3.2高分子模造與自組裝抗沾黏技術 43
3.3.3紫外光成型技術 44
3.4性質分析 44
3.4.1表面形貌 45
3.4.2效率增益與光學性質 45
3.5製程設備與量測儀器 46
3.5.1加熱板 47
3.5.2旋轉塗佈機 48
3.5.3紫外光曝光頭 48
3.5.4浸潤式曝光載台 49
3.5.5真空烤箱 50
3.5.6紫外光硬化機 50
3.5.7掃描式電子顯微鏡 51
3.5.8積分球光譜流明系統 52
3.5.9輝度計 53
3.5.10三維輪廓儀 53
3.5.11紫外光/可見光分光光譜儀 54
3.5.12擴散角度量測儀 55
第四章 實驗結果與討論 57
4.1 擴散板 57
4.1.1 擴散板表面結構 58
4.1.2 擴散板對OLED效率增益 63
4.1.3 擴散板對OLED光學性質的影響 67
4.1.4 擴散板的擴散角量測分析 77
4.1.5 擴散板的穿透率及霧度分析 80
4.2 以光微影製作微透鏡陣列 83
4.2.1曝光劑量對於柱狀陣列表面結構之影響 83
4.2.2 柱狀陣列對OLED效率增益 86
4.2.3 柱狀陣列對於OLED光學性質的影響 87
4.3 以傾斜微影製作傾斜柱狀陣列 90
4.3.1傾斜角度對於傾斜柱狀陣列表面結構之影響 90
4.3.2傾斜柱狀陣列對於OLED效率增益之影響 93
4.3.3傾斜柱狀陣列對於OLED光學性質的影響 94
4.4 以擴散板微影製作微透鏡陣列 96
4.4.1曝光劑量對於微透鏡表面結構之影響 96
4.4.2擴散角度對於微透鏡表面結構之影響 101
4.4.3 微透鏡陣列對OLED效率增益的影響 103
4.4.4 微透鏡陣列對OLED光學性質的影響 104
4.5 以複合微影製作非對稱微透鏡陣列 107
4.5.1曝光劑量對非對稱微透鏡表面結構之影響 107
4.5.2 擴散板擴散角度及載台傾斜角度對非對稱微透鏡表面結構之影響 109
4.5.3 非對稱微透鏡陣列對於OLED效率增益的影響 112
4.5.4 非對稱微透鏡陣列對OLED光學性質的影響 114
結論 121
未來工作 123
參考資料 125
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