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作者(英文):Ching-Hsiang Wang
論文名稱(英文):Study on characteristics of concentrating type sun-tracking solar cell system in different environmental variables
指導教授(英文):Yi-Hao Pai
口試委員(英文):Yi-Hao Pai
Chien-Chih Lai
Meng-Chu Chen
關鍵詞(英文):solar tracking systemconcentrator photovoltaicsthermoelectric power generationthermal conduction
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在第二部分的研究裡,我們將溫差發電晶片(Thermoelectric Power generating Module)整合到聚光型太陽能電池系統中並探討熱能所衍生的影響與可能的應用潛力。研究指出在740W/m2日照與被動式空冷條件下(僅使用鰭片),溫差發電晶片的初始發電功率為0.18 mW,且隨著量測時間到達第15min時,發電功率則下降至0,可歸因於被動式空冷散熱無法長久維持溫差發電晶片冷端的溫度,最終導致該晶片兩側溫差達零度,即達熱平衡。更遠的我們利用主動式散熱模式(風扇)來評估聚光型太陽能系統整合溫差發電晶片之效能,研究結果發現,使用12V轉速2500-3500 RPM的主動式散熱條件下可有效的維持溫差發電晶片的溫度差(最大達55度C),其所產生的溫差發電量為0.045W。

最後,本研究透過Autodesk CFD來進行熱傳導的電腦模擬,並評估最理想的主/被動設計方案,模擬結果指出,在被動式散熱模式中,散熱鰭片設計為280mm*80mm*40mm且不使用風扇,即可以維持溫差44 度C的穩定溫差發電的條件。
The purpose of this research is to examine the different properties of solar tracking systems under different environment variables as well as the deriving impacts and potential applications of solar energy. In the first part of the research, solar tracking systems were set up and solar tracking accuracy was set at a 0.1o tolerance. Subsequently, in order to examine different environment variables at different locations, solar cells comprised of monocrystalline silicon and concentrator photovoltaics (III-V compound semiconductor) were installed at two locations: College of Photonics, National Chiao Tung University, Gaofa 3rd Road, Guiren District, Tainan City (GPS location: 22.925507, 120.294795; Environment A) and College of Science and Engineering Building, National Dong Hwa University (GPS location: 23.899377, 121.544335; Environment B). According to the research results, although the global pyranometer reading at Environment A (814.6W/m2) was much higher than that of Environment B (559.4W/m2), both concentrator photovoltaics generated a maximum power of approximately 0.54W. This was preliminarily attributed to the larger particulate matters at Environment A as compared to Environment B, resulting in increased scattered radiation, also known as diffuse. On the other hand, the pyranometer readings of the monocrystalline silicon-based solar tracking system were directly proportional to the maximum power of the solar cells, which suggests that the concentrator photovoltaics were greatly affected by diffuse irradiance.

In the second part of our research, we integrated thermoelectric power generating modules with the concentrator photovoltaics system to examine the deriving impacts and potential applications of solar energy. Our research findings show that when solar irradiation is 740W/m2 and passive air cooling is utilized (using only fins), the initial power generated by the thermoelectric power generating modules is 0.18 mW. This decreases to 0 when the measurement time reaches 15 min, which may be attributable to the fact that passive air cooling cannot maintain the cold end temperature of the thermoelectric power generating modules over a prolonged period of time, ultimately resulting in a zero temperature difference across both ends, meaning that thermal equilibrium is reached. Going forward, an active cooling model (fans) was used to assess the efficiency of the concentrator photovoltaics system integrated with thermoelectric power generating modules. Research results show that active cooling fans running on 12V with a rotation speed of 2500-3500 RPM can effectively maintain the temperature difference across the thermoelectric power generating module (maximum 55oC) and generate 0.045W of thermoelectric power.

Finally, Autodesk CFD was applied to simulate thermal conduction in order to assess the optimal active/passive design solutions. Simulation results indicate that under the passive cooling model, by utilizing a cooling fin design of 280mm*80mm*40mm, a stable thermoelectric power generation condition with a 44 oC temperature difference can be maintained.
中文摘要 I
Abstract III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
第一章 序論 1
1-1國內外太陽能電池發展現況 1
1-2太陽能電池概念與特性 7
1-2-1太陽能電池原理與特性 7
1-2-2聚光型太陽能電池 8
1-2-3環境因素對太陽能發電系統影響 10
1-3研究動機與目的 12
第二章 實驗 13
2-1 研究系統架構 13
2-2實驗器材 14
2-2-1雙軸式追日系統之結構與原理 14
2-2-2菲涅爾透鏡結構與原理 21
2-2-3 聚光型太陽電池 22
2-2-4 氣候與環境設定 26
2-2-4-1花蓮地區之氣候與環境設定 26
2-2-4-2台南地區之氣候與環境設定 28
2-3光電特性量測、熱模擬與太陽電池效能分析 31
第三章 聚光型太陽能系統之特性研究暨熱管理與應用探討 41
3-1聚光型追日系統之特性研究 41
3-1-1追日型系統精準度對太陽能電池的電池性能比較 42
3-1-2 聚光型太陽能電池系統於不同環境變量之特性研究 45
3-1-3 單晶矽太陽能電池於不同環境變量之特性研究 52
3-2聚光型太陽能系統之熱管理與應用研究 56
3-2-1 聚光型太陽能系統之溫差發電晶片主/被動式熱管理研究 56
3-2-2 聚光型太陽能系統整合溫差發電晶片晶片之效能分析 63
3-2-3鋁鰭排之主被動散熱模擬 69
第四章 總結論 77
參考文獻 80
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