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作者(英文):Jing-Ru Chang
論文名稱(英文):Research of mmWave waveguide-fed metasurface antenna with geometric phase structure
指導教授(英文):Chu-Hsuan Lin
Chien-Ming Wang
口試委員(英文):Chien-Ming Wang
Chu-Hsuan Lin
Mei-Hsin Chen
關鍵詞(英文):metasurfacewaveguidegeometric phasemmWave
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  • 評分評分:系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔
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We are discussing the properties of metasurface combines with dielectric waveguides. Dielectric waveguides have waveguide resonance. When the waveguide resonates, the reflection phase will change. This is the purpose of this paper. The millimeter size has the advantages of easier production, the antenna size is small, the frequency is high, and the bandwidth that can be modulated. Metamaterials have been extensively studied in the current research areas. Its special material properties make metamaterials have great potential in applications, and beam steering is one of the many applications of metamaterials. In this paper, we use waveguides to change the reflection phase, so as to beam steering. This method is not only unlimited by the Pancharatnam-Berry phase, but also can easily adjust the beam. When  =13.12mm, the reflection phase has a phase shift close to  at a waveguide thickness = 6.3mm. Waveguides with different thicknesses have different reflection phases. After arranging waveguides with different thicknesses, they can reflect directional beams. It can apply to phase array radar to change the arrangement of waveguides of different thicknesses. The reflection direction of the beam changes accordingly, and the scanning function can be achieved. It can also apply to base stations in the future to accurately transmit signals to their destinations and avoid wasting energy.
致謝 2
摘要 3
Abstract 3
目錄 4
圖目錄 6
表目錄 7
第一章 緒論 8
1.1前言 8
1.2文獻回顧 8
1.3研究動機 10
第二章 波導與超穎材料介紹 11
2-1 介電平面波導介紹 11
2-2 磁偶共振 12
2-3超穎材料與超穎表面的介紹 13
第三章 天線特性與幾何相位原理 14
3-1 奈米天線 14
3-2貝比芮原理(Babinet's principle) 17
3-3 Pancharatnam-Berry相位 18
第四章 具波導結構的超穎表面製作與模擬 19
4-1 實驗架構 19
4-2 實驗模擬 24
第五章 具波導結構的超穎表面之實驗結果與論文結論 25
5-1 實驗結果 26
5-2 梯度板 29
5-3 結果討論 31
5-4 論文結論 32

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