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作者(英文):Yu-Syuan Chuang
論文名稱(英文):The influences of organizational citizenship behavior on employees' social status and leader emergence
指導教授(英文):Hsin-Hua Hsiung
口試委員(英文):Wein-Hong Chen
Yi-jing Chen
關鍵詞(英文):affiliative organizational citizenship behaviorchallenging organizational citizenship behaviorsocial statusemployees’ leadership emergence
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  • 評分評分:系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔
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放之時間為 10 月中至 12 月中,以消防隊員為研究對象,發放地區為台灣南部某
縣市的 50 個消防分隊。在問卷設計方面,分為員工問卷以及主管問卷(包括小隊

352 份。
本研究以 SPSS 的外掛程式 PROCESS 作分析,結果顯示:(1)員工的親和型
Organizational citizenship behavior is an important topic in the research field of
organizational behavior, and employee behavior is closely related to the
organizational team atmosphere and operational efficiency. Past literature on
organizational citizenship behavior mainly focused on its influences on individual
employees’ performance and promotion. However, past research did not explore a lot
of consequences of organizational citizenship behavior. This study believed that in
addition to the economic influences on individual performance and promotion,
organizational citizenship behavior also has social influences, such as affecting
employees’ personal social status and their leadership emergence. Organizational
citizenship behaviors can be divided into affiliative and challenge behaviors. The
purpose of this study was to verify the effect of these two types of organizational
citizenship behavior on employee social status and leadership emergence. This study
also considered the average organizational citizenship behavior of team members, and
examined whether group-level organizational citizenship behavior can moderate the
relationship between individual organizational citizenship behavior and social status.

In this study, firefighters were our research participants and we collected data
using questionnaires. We distributed questionnaires to 50 firefighter teams worked in
Southern Taiwan. Our questionnaire design contained employee self-assessment
questionnaire and the supervisory evaluation questionnaire. The employee
self-assessment questionnaire included the employees’ indivudal affiliative
organizational citizenship behaviors, employees’ individual challenging
organizational citizenship behaviors, and individual social status. The supervisory
evaluation questionnaire included team-level affiliative organizational citizenship
behaviors, team-level challenging organizational citizenship behaviors, and
employees’ leadership emergence. After filtering the poor quality questionnaires, the
actual valid questionnaires of this study were 352 paired questionnaires.
After data analysis, the results of this study showed: (1) employees’ affiliative
organizational citizenship behavior had a positive influence on their social status
within the group; (2) employees’ challenging organizational citizenship behavior had
a positive influence on their group’s social status; (3) employees’ social status was
positively related to their leadership emergence; (4) employees’ affiliative
organizational citizenship behavior was positively related to their leadership
emergence through the mediation of social status; (5) employees’ challenging
organizational citizenship behavior was positively related to their leadership
emergence through the mediation of social status; (6) team-level organizational
citizenship behavior did not significantly moderate the relationship between
individual-level organizational citizenship behavior and social status. According the
results of our analysis, this study expanded the understanding of the consequences of
organizational citizenship behavior, and can help organizations identify which
employees have the potential to become leaders in the future.
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討5
第一節社會資本理論 5
第二節組織公民行為定義與分類 6
第三節 組織公民行為的影響後果 13
第四節 理論架構及研究假設 15
第三章 研究方法21
第一節 研究程序 21
第二節 研究構念 23
第三節 資料分析方法 27
第四章 研究結果29
第一節 敘述性統計與相關分析 29
第二節 信度與效度分析 34
第三節 研究假設驗證 38
第五章 研究結論與建議45
第一節 理論貢獻 46
第二節 實務意涵 49
第三節 研究限制與未來建議 51
參考文獻 55
中文文獻 55
英文文獻 55
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