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作者(英文):Ying-Che Lan
論文名稱(英文):A Study on the Relationship between Customer’s Authenticity Perception and Repurchase Intention - Aboriginal Culture and Creative Product as an example.
指導教授(英文):Hsi-Jui Wu
口試委員(英文):Dao-Song Zhu
Zheng-Yi Zhu
關鍵詞(英文):Personality TraitsProduct KnowledgePurchase MotivationAuthenticity PerceptionExperiential ValueCustomer SatisfactionRepurchase Intention
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本研究採問卷調查法,以至花蓮原風藝站文創銷售門市購買原住民文創商品之顧客為抽樣研究對象,總計的有效樣本數共297 份,並以結構方程模型分析驗證研究架構各構念間之關係。
In recent years, the Taiwanese government has actively promoted local specialty goods and the innovation of traditional indigenous cultures in Taiwan. It has become an industry with potential for tourism generated growth in the eastern part of Taiwan. Previous research shows that when customers purchase souvenirs, they are likely to care about its authenticity. According to the line of thinking of cultural and creative industries of local regions, the traditional arts and crafts of the indigenous cultures have transformed from the purpose of providing everyday goods to the purpose of being souvenirs for customers. In this way, the truth of indigenous culture that customers know about is a selected truth; it is created by the aspects of the culture that there is demand for to see and to experience by the customers themselves. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to explore how much customers truly know and understand about the cultural and creative products of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan. Furthermore, it uses personality traits, product knowledge and purchase motivation as innate factors that influence the customer’s authenticity perception of the product. The thesis then also explores how customer’s authenticity perception can impact upon the experiential value, customer satisfaction and the repurchase intention. Lastly, it probes into whether experts’ objective authenticity will impact upon the customer’s authenticity perception and experiential value.
This body of research uses the method of questionnaires to survey. Its research target is the customers who buy souvenirs of indigenous cultural and creative products from Indigenous Style Art Station in Hualien. There were a total of 297 valid samples, and the method of structural equation modeling was used to analyze and verify the relationship between each construct of the research framework.
Lastly, through empirical statistical analysis, the hypotheses that were experimentally verified concluded that: 1. People who were open to new experiences, knowledge of product and purchase motivation had positive impacts on customer’s authenticity perception. 2. Customer’s authenticity perception has a positive impact upon experiential value. 3. Customer’s authenticity perception and experiential value have a positive impact upon customer satisfaction. 4. Experiential value and customer satisfaction have a positive impact on the repurchase intention. 5. Experts’ objective authenticity don’t have a statistically significant connection with customer’s authenticity perception and experiential value.
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻探討 5
第三章 研究方法 43
第四章 資料分析 61
第五章 結論與建議 91

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