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作者:Priyanka Balaso Kumbhar
作者(英文):Priyanka Balaso Kumbhar
論文名稱:消費者契合與品牌權益對消費者再購意願之影響: 以印度消費者為例
論文名稱(英文):The Impact of Consumer Engagement and Brand Equity on Consumer's Repurchase Intension: Indian consumers as example.
指導教授(英文):Dauw-Song Zhu
口試委員(英文):Hsi-Jui Wu
Cheng Guanghua
關鍵詞(英文):consumer engagementbrand equitybrand awarenessperceived qualitybrand associationrepurchase intantionApple brand users in India
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Consumers buying behavior remains one of the widely studied subjects. Most of the large company’s research consumer buying decisions in great details to know about what consumer’s buy, why they buy etc. consumers are always take decisions on their attitudes, what they feel about that brand and that company. Nowadays, the purchasing behavior of Indian consumers has changed dramatically. Urbanization is a constant phenomenon in India and is influencing the life style and buying behavior of the consumers. So that is why, this study contributes to identify how Indian consumers makes purchase decision with brands. This study wants to check the relationship between consumer engagement and brand equity and their effect on buying decision of consumers. As the following study, this would like to conduct the research from Apple brand users in India with 302 data samples. Statistical package for the social science (SPSS) and AMOS was choosing as the statistical technique to test its proposed hypotheses.
Research findings showed that the consumer engagement have positively influence on brand equity dimensions (Brand awareness, perceived quality and brand association). And other hand, the negative influences of brand awareness and perceived quality on buying decision showed that the Indian consumers buy products only from the brand name. It is seeming quality and the awareness of products are not much important for them but they are more focus on loyalty and social contribution of the company.
Keywords: Consumer engagement, Brand equity, Brand awareness, perceived quality, Brand association, Repurchase intension, Apple brand users in India.
chapter 1 Introduction 1
chapter 2 Literature review 16
chapter 3 Methodology 27
chapter 4 Reserch result 41
chapter 5 Discussion and conclusion 59
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