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作者:Kamonthip Suteenoppakul
作者(英文):Kamonthip Suteenoppakul
論文名稱(英文):The linkage between partner diversity and service innovativeness: The moderating role of absorptive capacity and scope of firm internationalization
指導教授(英文):Wein-Hong Chen
口試委員(英文):Wein-Hong Chen
Anthony Kuo
Yi-Yuan Liu
關鍵詞(英文):Partner DiversityService InnovativenessAbsorptive Capacity
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Innovativeness includes new creation, new ideas, new processes, new products and new services that bring new development to firms. Previous studies found that partner diversity influences firm innovativeness and concluded that partner diversity is a double-edged sword for firm innovativeness. However, the previous studies generally focus on innovativeness in the manufacturing sector. Limited research has discussed the relationship between partner diversity and service innovativeness. Service innovativeness emphasizes on capability to generate new service or improve extant service to contribute to firm performance. To fill this gap, this thesis focuses on innovativeness in service sector and the impact of partner domain diversity and partner geographical diversity on service innovativeness. The main objective of this thesis is to investigate on the influence of partner domain diversity and partner geographical diversity on service innovativeness and the moderating roles of absorptive capacity and scope of firm internationalization.
This thesis uses data from Taiwanese Technology Innovation Survey (TTIS) database, which was established by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) and the National Science Council (NSC). The study sampled 709 firms from the database.
This thesis used SPSS version 25 to analyze the data. The moderated regression analysis is an appropriate technique for testing contingency hypotheses. The results show that both partner domain diversity and partner geographical diversity have no significant effect on service innovativeness. Absorptive capacity significantly moderates the relationship between partner domain diversity and service innovativeness, as well as between partner geographical diversity and service innovativeness. Furthermore, scope of firm internationalization significantly moderates the relationship between partner geographical diversity and service innovativeness.
Results of this thesis contribute to increased attention on service innovativeness. This thesis enhances empirical development of partner diversity. Extensive research has been conducted to examine how partner diversity influences product innovation. Service innovation is distinctive from product innovation in that service innovation involves engagement with customers and provides real-time delivery to customers. Besides, service innovation involves changes in systems that are socially complex. Although this study does not provide clear evidence on the direct impact of partner diversity on service innovativeness. The result suggests the importance of investigating moderating effect on the partner-diversity-service innovativeness relationship.
1. Introduction
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1
1.1.1 Practical background 1
1.1.2 Theoretical background 3
1.2 Research Objectives and Research Questions 5
1.3 Outline of the Thesis 8
2. Literature Review and Hypothesis Development 11
2.1 Service Innovativeness 11
2.1.1 Definition of service innovativeness 11
2.1.2 Service innovation versus product innovation 12
2.1.3. Empirical research on service innovativeness 13
2.2 Partner Diversity 17
2.2.1 Empirical research on partner diversity and innovation 18
2.3 Partner Diversity and Service Innovativeness 20
2.3.1 Partner domain diversity and service innovativeness 20
2.3.2 Partner geographical diversity and service innovativeness 21
2.3.3 Moderating effect of absorptive capacity 22
2.3.4 Moderating effect of the scope of firm internationalization 24
3. Methodology 26
3.1 Sources of data and sample 26
3.2 Variables and Measurements 29
3.2.1 Dependent variable 29
3.2.2 Independent variables 29 Partner domain diversity (PDD) 29 Partner geographical diversity (PGD) 30
3.2.3 Moderator variables 30 Absorptive Capacity (AC) 30 Scope of firm internationalization 31
3.2.4 Control variables 31 Government subsidy/government support 31 Firm size 32 Employees education level 32
3.3 Analytical Approach 32
3.3.1 Moderated regression analysis 33
4. Results 34
4.1 Descriptive statistics and correlations 34
4.2 Moderated regression analysis 36
5. Discussion 45
5.1 Key research findings 45
5.2 Contribution 47
5.2.1 Theoretical contribution 47
5.2.2 Practical contribution 49
5.3 Limitation and future research 50
5.3.1 Limitation 50
5.3.2 Future research 51
References 52
Appendix 74

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1. 高階管理團隊異質性對服務業廠商國際化程度之影響:高階管理團隊規模之干擾效果
2. 台灣電子產業自有品牌廠商高階管理團隊異質性與廠商績效關係之研究 :市場導向程度之干擾效果
3. 台灣新創事業高階管理團隊異質性對金融風暴後公司績效之影響:國際化程度之 調節效果
4. 高階管理團隊異質性與國際市場探索之關聯性:管理學習觀點
5. 台灣企業母國經驗發展年資與國際化能力之關聯性:高階管理團隊異質性之干擾效果
6. 兩次金融風暴後管理資源組成變化與公司績效變化之關聯性
7. 高階管理團隊特性構形與企業策略變革績效之關聯性
8. 經營團隊經歷構形與金融風暴後中小企業快速成長之關聯性
9. 管理資源及組織資源之構形與企業社會責任績效之關聯性
10. 企業資源及高階管理團隊組成之構形與企業轉型績效-以台灣紡織業轉型至自有品牌廠商為例
11. 高階管理團隊組成與企業資源之構形與金融風暴後初始國際化績效之關聯性-以電子產業廠商為例
12. 企業資源及高階管理團隊組成之構形與環境策略積極度之關聯性:以海運業為例
13. 高階管理團隊組成特性之構形與金融風暴後績效成長:以觀光廠商為例
14. 組織變革決策流程之探索研究- 以經歷變革之實驗小學為例
15. 合作夥伴地域之環境先進度與企業環境績效之關聯:組織創新氛圍與國際化廣度之調節效果
* *