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作者:Selenge Bayarsaikhan
作者(英文):Selenge Bayarsaikhan
論文名稱:The Impact of Perceived Contamination on Purchase Intention of Second-Hand Goods
論文名稱(英文):The Impact of Perceived Contamination on Purchase Intention of Second-Hand Goods
指導教授(英文):Mohammad Shadab Khalil
口試委員(英文):Chin-jung Joseph Luan
Chih-Hung Wang
關鍵詞(英文):perceived contaminationacquisition valuetransaction valuepurchase intentioncritical motivationexperiential motivation linked to the nature of the offering
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Consumption of second-hand goods has been increasing globally, it is primarily motivated by financial or ecological reasons. This research investigated the mediating role of perceived value (transaction value and acquisition value) in the relationship between perceived contamination and purchase intention of second hand goods. The current study also tested two types of second-hand consumption motivations (critical motivation and experiential motivation linked to the nature of the offering) as the moderators in the relationship between perceived contamination and perceived values (transaction value and acquisition value) towards second hand goods. The data of research was collected from students of National Dong Hwa University and analyzed using the PLS. Results of the study indicate that perceived contamination has a negative effect on perceived value (acquisition value and transaction value) and perceived value (acquisition value and transaction value) is positively related to purchase intention. Furthermore, the study results revealed an insignificant moderating role of second-hand consumption motivation (critical motivation and experiential motivation linked to the nature of the offering) in the relationship between perceived contamination and perceived value. Through this study, marketers would have better understanding of overcoming contamination issues of second-hand goods.
Keywords: perceived contamination; acquisition value; transaction value; purchase intention; critical motivation; experiential motivations linked to the nature of the offering
Chapter 1 Introduction ........................................................... 7
1.1 Research Background ...........................................................7
1.2 Research Gap .................................................................12
1.3 Research Purpose and Questions ................................................13
1.4 Significance of The Study .....................................................14
Chapter 2. Literature Review ......................................................15
2.1 Perceived Contamination .......................................................15
2.2 Perceived Value (Acquisition, Transaction Value) ..............................16
2.3 Purchase Intention ...............................................17
2.4 Experiential Motivation Linked to The Nature of The Offering .....17
2.5 Critical Motivation .............18
Chapter 3. Hypothesis Development...................20
3.1 The Relationship Between Perceived Contamination and Acquisition Value ....21
3.2 The Relationship Between Perceived Contamination And Transaction Value .....21
3.3 The Relationship Between Perceived Value (Transaction And Acquisition)And Purchase Intention...22
3.4 The Moderating Role Of Critical Motivation .....................................24
3.5 The Moderating Role Of Experiential Motivation Linked To The
Nature Of The Offering Motivation. ....................................24
Chapter 4. Research Methodology .......................................26
4.1 Overview of The Study .............................................26
4.2 Measurement .......................................................26
4.3 Data Collection ...................................................27
4.4 Data Analysis .....................................................27
Chapter 5. Analysis Data and Result ......28
5.1 Sample Characteristics ............................................28
5.2 Accuracy analysis.............................30
5.3 Analysis of Direct Effects ...................30
5.4 Analysis of Moderating Effect ................32
Chapter 6. Conclusion and Discussion .............36
6.1 Discussion ...................................36
6.2 Theoretical and managerial implication .......38
6.3 Limitation of The Study and Future Research Direction .............39
References ........................................40
Appendix ..........................................51
Appendix A ........................................51
Appendix B ........................................54
Appendix C ........................................57
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