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作者:Chronika Rotua J.Simatupang
作者(英文):Chronika Rotua J.Simatupang
論文名稱:Biodegradable Packaging Toward Attitude and Behavior to Purchasing Intention
論文名稱(英文):Biodegradable Packaging Toward Attitude and Behavior to Purchasing Intention
指導教授(英文):Chin-jung Luan
口試委員(英文):Shadab Khalil
Chih-Hung Wang
關鍵詞(英文):Packaging, Biodegradable, Attitude, Perceived Food Safety, Purchasing IntentionPackagingBiodegradableAttitudePerceived Food SafetyPurchasing Intention
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Biodegradable Packaging is a one solution for the growing environmental concerns nowadays. However, since a product package itself communicates a lot of things, the question raised what product benefits can still be communicated when there is with biodegradable Packaging. Therefore, this study examined to what extent Biodegradable Packaging compared to non Biodegradable (ordinary Packaging) have an influence on consumer responses (perceived healthfulness, perceived freshness, product liking and purchase intention). Besides, the influence of the presence of a Eco label and Organic examined. This research conduct three experiment to find out the responses of consumer toward biodegradable packaging, also in experiment two Biodegradable packaging combine with organic product, and experiment three also to find out the purchasing intention toward biodegradable packaging but one with plastic biodegradable and another without mentioned the material of biodegradable. 381 Students participated in the experimental study, which was conducted by means of Questionnaire. The results of the study that Biodegradable packaging have positive attitude to purchase, and with organic product combine with biodegradable packaging have positive effects on perceived healthfulness, perceived food safety and higher purchasing intention, as opposed to Non Biodegradable Packaging . This study also proved that biodegradable Packaging are as good as packaged foods. The presence of a Biodegradable and organic label have affect consumer responses to purchase.

Keywords : Packaging, Biodegradable, Attitude, Perceived Food Safety, Purchasing intention
Table Of Contents

Acknowledgement I
Abstract II
Table of contents III
List of Table VI
List of Figure VII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Motivation 5
1.3 Research Gap 7
1.4 Research Purpose and Question 8
Chapter 2 Literature review 11
2.1 Introduction Packaging 11
2.1.1 Usage function of the packaging 14
2.1.2 Ecological function of the packaging 15
2.2 Biodegradable Packaging 18
2.3 Ecolabel Packaging 20
2.4 Fertilizer Product (Organic Food Product) 21
2.5 Attitude Buying Behavior 22
2.6 Perceived Health 23
2.7 Food Safety 24
2.8 Purchasing Intention 25
2.9 Environmentally Friendly Behavior (EFB) 25
2.10 Hypothesis Development 26
Chapter 3 Research Framework and Methodology 33
3.1 Overview of the study 33
3.2 Stimuli Development 35
3.3 Measure 36
3.4 Questionnaire Design 37
3.5 Data collection 37
3.6 Pretest 38
Chapter 4. Data Analysis and Result 41
4.1 Manipulation Check 41

4.2 Main Effect and Interaction effects 42
Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusion 51
5.1 Discussion 51
5.2 Theoretical and Managerial implication 56
5.3 Limitation of Study and Future Direction 58
Reference 61
Appendix 70
Appendix A 70
Appendix B 72
Appendix C 74
Appendix D 76
Appendix E 78
Appendix F 80
Appendix G 81
Appendix H 85

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