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論文名稱:Linkage Hedonic and Utilitarian Value Toward Green Purchase Intention Moderated by Regulatory Focus and Temporal Distance Message Framing
論文名稱(英文):Linkage Hedonic and Utilitarian Value Toward Green Purchase Intention Moderated by Regulatory Focus and Temporal Distance Message Framing
指導教授(英文):Mohammad Shadab Khalil
口試委員(英文):Chin-Jung Luan
Chih-Hung Wang
關鍵詞(英文):hedonicutilitarianregulatory focustemporal distanceattitude toward green advertisementgreen trustgreen purchase intention
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Advertisement is a bridge between consumers and products, analyze messages in the advertisement which obtain consumers' purchase intention is important. This research draws on theoretical perspectives related to hedonic/utilitarian value, regulatory focus and temporal distance. 2 (hedonic/utilitarian) x 2 (gain/future) x 2 (near/ distant future) messages framing was conducted in this research. The result revealed that consumers have higher green purchase intention when hedonic value combined with gain and distant future framed message next, also consumer have higher green purchase intention when the utilitarian value is combined with loss and distant future framed message. In terms of mediating effect, green trust mediates the effect of hedonic and utilitarian value on green purchase intention. However, attitude toward green advertisement insignificant mediated the effect of Hedonic and Utilitarian value on green purchase intention
List of Contents
Abstract ......................................................i
Table of Content................................................iii
List of Tables...........................................vi
List of Figures................................................vii
Chapter 1...................................................1
1.1 Research Background.................................................................................................1
1.2 Research Gap.............................................................................................................3
1.3 Research Purpose.......................................................................................................4
Chapter 2. Literature Review...................................................................................................5
2.1 Hedonic and Utilitarian Value.......................................................................................5
2.2 Regulatory Focus and Message Framing......................................................................6
2.3 Construal Level Theory.................................................................................................7
2.4 Attitude Toward Green Advertisement.........................................................................8
2.5 Green Purchase Intention..............................................................................................9
2.6 Green Trust....................................................................................................................10
2.7 Environmental Knowledge...........................................................................................10
2.8 Green Price....................................................................................................................11
Chapter 3. Hypotheses Development.......................................................................................12
3.1 Research Framework.....................................................................................................12
3.2 Construal Level and Regulatory Focus as Modeator....................................................13
3.3 Green Trust as Mediator ................................................................................15
3.4 Attitude Toward Green Advertisement as Mediator ..................................................15
Chapter 4. Research Methodology...........................................................................................17
4.1 Overview of Study.....................................................................................................17
4.2 Design of Questionnaire.............................................................................................17
4.3 Measurements.............................................................................................................18
4.4 Stimuli Development..................................................................................................19
4.5 Data Collection...........................................................................................................19
Chapter 5. Data Analysis and Result....................................................................................22
5.1 Manipulation Check...................................................................................................22
5.2 Moderating Effect....................................................................................................23
5.3 Interaction Effect of Framed Message Combination Toward Green
Purchase Intention.........................................................................................................24
5.4 Mediating effect................................................................................................25
Chapter 6. Discussion and Conclusion.....................................................................................27
6.1 Discussion..................................................................................................................27
6.2 Theoretical Implication...............................................................................................28
6.3 Managerial Implication..............................................................................................28
6.4 Limitation of Study and Future Research Directions.................................................29
References ........................................................30
Appendix A......................................................................................................................38
Appendix B......................................................................................................................39
Appendix C......................................................................................................................41
Appendix D......................................................................................................................49
Appendix E......................................................................................................................52
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