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作者(英文):Hsiu-Wen Lu
論文名稱(英文):Research on Team Members’ Collaboration Intention & Emotional Exhaustion:Fit Perspective of Job Demands & Job Resources
指導教授(英文):Chih-Ching Chiang
口試委員(英文):Chin-Jung Luan
Chih-Chien Hsu
關鍵詞(英文):JD-R modelManagement fitInformation technology fitWillingness of collaborationEmotional exhaustion
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Nowadays, the competition of enterprises is becoming more and more competitive. It is an inevitable trend for the organization to complete the tasks assigned by the project team. Therefore, the willingness of team members to collaborate is very important in the project team. On the other hand, the team members’ emotional exhaustion is one of the crucial factors of task success. In particular, the project team usually establish in short-term and temporary that the team members are easily subject to wok-role problems in the general workplace, and plus, the wide information technology adaptions in the organization caused team members’ technostress issues. Therefore, how to solve the job demands of team members in the general workplace and IT workplace problems to enhance team members' willingness of collaboration and emotional exhaustion mitigation, our study uses JD-R model as the basic theoretical framework to explore the fit effect between job demands and job resources of team members and furthermore, we focused on team members get subjective perspective job resources to meet or satisfy the job demands needed. In this regard, our study understands the importance of fit effects between job demands and job resources that effectively improving the willingness of collaboration and emotional exhaustion mitigation. At past literatures, we found it is rare discussions about JD-R fit to the people’s psychology and organizational behavior researches so we expect to fill the gaps of JD-R theory.
In addition to validating the JD-R model, this study explores the fit effects of job demands and job resources through the JD-R model, furthermore we derive two fit dimensions, one is “Management fit” means JD-R occurs in the regular workplace, the other one is “Information Technolgy fit” means JD-R occurs in the Information Technolgy workplace. The questionnaire survey conducted for the practitioners in Taiwan's small and medium-sized enterprises and listed companies and we used a statistical software SPSS and SEM-PLS to analyze total 276 valid samples. The empirical results of this study proved that “Information Technolgy fit” has a significant direct effect to team members' willingness of collaboration, and “Management fit” also has a direct significant effect to emotional exhaustion, furthermore, we also proved the high level of LMX and TMX both has moderate effect to the between team members' management fit and willingness of collaboration.
At last, we suggest that company or organizations should strengthen the IT applications, communications, and supports to the team members that will boost their collaboration willingness with the teammates so as to achieve project goals successfully. In addition, we also recommend that organizations take care of the team member’s job role issues via management approaches in order to effectively reduce the emotional exhaustion of team members. Finally, organizations should go through management skills to manage the team leader and peer relationships, such as the leader's listening and good peers friendship which also the way to lifting the team members' willingness of collaboration.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
1.1.1 團隊專案之協同合作 1
1.1.2 台灣受雇者工作現況與問題 1
1.1.3 協同合作意願與情緒耗竭之工作要求與工作資源 3
第二節 研究動機 3
第三節 研究目的 5
第四節 研究對象與範疇 7
第五節 研究流程 8
第二章 文獻探討 11
第一節 團隊的定義 11
2.1.1 團隊發展階段 11
2.1.2 團隊紀律與績效 13
第二節 協同合作意願 14
2.2.1 協同合作之特徵 15
2.2.2 協同合作意願之重要性 17
第三節 工作壓力、情緒耗竭與工作倦怠 18
第四節 工作要求-資源模式 21
2.4.1 職場環境之工作要求 22
2.4.2 職場環境之工作資源 27
第五節 權變理論 31
2.5.1 適配之涵義 32
2.5.2 適配之模型 34
第六節 工作要求-資源適配 35
2.6.1 管理適配 36
2.6.2 資訊科技適配 36
第七節 交換關係 37
2.6.1 社會交換理論 37
2.6.2 領導者與成員交換關係 38
2.6.3 團隊成員間交換關係 40
第三章 研究方法 41
第一節 研究模式 41
第二節 研究假說 43
3.2.1直接效果之假設推論 43
3.2.2調節效果之假設推論 44
第三節 變項操作型定義與衡量 47
3.3.1 協同合作意願 47
3.3.2 情緒耗竭 48
3.3.3 工作要求-資源適配/管理適配/資訊科技適配 48
3.3.4 工作要求 50
3.3.5 工作資源 51
3.3.6 領導者與成員交換關係 53
3.3.7 團隊成員間交換關係 53
3.3.8 控制變項 54
第四節 資料收集與問卷設計 55
第四章 資料分析 57
第一節 資料蒐集程序 57
第二節 敘述性統計分析 60
4.2.1 樣本基本資料 60
4.2.2 研究變項 63
第三節 樣本穩定性分析 64
4.3.1 無回應偏差分析 65
4.3.2 共同方法變異 66
第四節 信效度分析 67
4.4.1 結構方程模式 68
4.4.2 偏最小平方法 68
4.4.3 建構效度 70
4.4.4 信度分析 83
第五節 結構模式與假說檢定 86
4.5.1 H1及H2之直接效果檢測 87
4.5.2 H3、H4、H5及H6之調節效果檢測 89
4.5.3 假說檢定結果 96
第五章 結論與建議 97
第一節 研究結果 97
第二節 研究貢獻 99
5.2.1 理論意涵 99
5.2.2 管理意涵 100
第三節 研究限制 101
第四節 未來研究方向 102
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