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作者(英文):Hai-Ping Tsai
論文名稱(英文):Are the Winning Companies of the CSR Awards Worthy of the Fame?
指導教授(英文):Pei-Shih Weng
口試委員(英文):Wei-Che Tsai
Te-Chien Lo
關鍵詞(英文):Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR)Financial PerformanceNon-Financial Performance
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Recently, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become more and more important. The development of Corporate Social Responsibility in foreign countries has become more mature than before. On the other hand, some of related issues have flourished in the past decade in Taiwan. Through the promotion of the CommonWealth Magazine “Corporate Citizenship” and the “Corporate Social Responsibility” of the Global Views Monthly, many companies competed for CSR awards. Given the development of CSR in Taiwan, this study mainly addresses in three questions. First, do CSR award-winning companies have better financial performance? Second, do CSR award-winning companies have more reasonable employee salaries, more stable personnel turnover, and more gender-diversified board? Third, do CSR award-winning companies donate more frequently and less likely to violate the law?
To answer these questions, we aim at the information of CSR awards provided by CommonWealth Magazine. The sample period is from 2007 to 2017. We comprehensively compare the award-winning CSR companies and non-prize-winning companies for various dimensions, including financial performance, non-financial performance, and social performance. The empirical finding show that: (1) CSR award-winning companies have the higher net profit after taxes; (2) the proportion of female directors and supervisors is lower in CSR award-winning companies; there is a tendency for executives to have excessive pay differentials at the grass-roots level and the number of quitting employees; (3) although CSR award-winning companies donate more frequently, the number of violations is also increasing in recent years. In sum, we suggest that the winning companies of the CSR awards do not seem to be entirely worthy of the fame.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機與目的 1
第二章 文獻探討與假說發展 3
2.1.國內企業社會責任發展現況 3
2.2.國外企業社會責任文獻探討 3
2.3.推論建立 4
2.3.1企業社會責任與財務性績效 4
2.3.2企業社會責任與非財務性績效 4
2.3.3企業社會責任與社會表現 5
第三章 研究設計 7
3.1.變數衡量 7
3.1.1 應變數 7
3.1.2 自變數 8
3.1.3 控制變數 8
3.2.實證模型 9
第四章 樣本選取 11
4.1.樣本來源 11
第五章 實證結果與分析 13
5.1.敘述性統計量 13
5.2.單變量檢定 14
5.3.迴歸實證結果 17
5.3.1企業社會責任與公司財務績效 17
5.3.2企業社會責任與非公司財務績效 18
5.3.3企業社會責任與社會表現 19
5.4.強度測試 20
5.4.1分割樣本比較 20
5.4.2產業分類及分割樣本綜合比較 22
5.4.3剔除興櫃及F公司之綜合比較 25
第六章 結論與建議 29
6.1.研究結論 29
6.2.研究限制及未來研究建議 30
參考文獻 31


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