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作者(英文):Yu-Fang Li
論文名稱(英文):A Study of Inventory Replenishment Policies in a Two-echelon Distribution Channel with Pricing Schemes on Demands
指導教授(英文):Juh-Wen Hwang
口試委員(英文):Cheng-Chieh Chen
Yi-Chun Chen
關鍵詞(英文):InventoryCommon Replenishment EpochsInventory PolicyChannel Coordination
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  • 評分評分:系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔
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This research studies a single-supplier multi-retailer distribution channel in which the supplier is the leader and retailers are the followers based on the Stackelberg game. The supplier maximizes profit through setting wholesale prices on the basis of the retailer's cost structure and market conditions. Under different Common Replenishment Epochs (CRE), each retailer forms an order interval that generates different demand patterns and profit for the supplier. The supplier will order from an upstream supplier according to the demand pattern formed by the retailer's order. Therefore, taking the supplier's inventory costs, profit, and demand patterns into account under different common replenishment epochs, the supplier will determine an appropriate inventory strategy to maximize his profit. The retailer's demand varies according to the wholesale price given by the supplier. The retailers maximize their profit by setting the retail price and deciding the quantity to order from the supplier. Thus, the total revenue of the distribution channel cost consists of two parts: the supplier and the retailers. Using the supplier’s inventory strategy, this research first maximizes the supplier’s profit, based on the best choice of CRE from the retailers, and then maximizes the supplier’s profit based on all possible CREs offered by the supplier. For the comparison purpose, this research also reviews the supplier’s maximum profits if the retailers do not apply CRE strategy, i.e., the retailers will release their orders based on their individual EOQ.
In the numerical experiment analysis, we set different supplier's order costs and joint order processing costs to compare their impact on inventory policy. It is found that the supplier's order cost has a significant effect on the inventory strategy, the larger the supplier's order cost, the larger the common replenishment epochs selected after coordination. Also, the larger the order cost to be, the more significant the percentage increase in the profit of the coordinated supplier compared to the profit of the uncoordinated supplier. Alter retailer price elasticity to see how a supplier and retailers change under different price elasticity. When the retailer's price elasticity is low, it is easier for a supplier to coordinate. In contrast, when price elasticity is high, the supplier's profit falls to insignificant levels, and it is challenging to improve margins by integrating the supply chain. When price elasticity is low, retailers' margins fall slightly after coordination. When price elasticity is high, coordination is associated with a significant increase in profit.
Chapter 1
Introduction 1
Research Background and Motivation 1
Research Purpose 3
Research Scope and Assumption 4
Thesis Structure 5
Chapter 2
Lit erature Review 9
Stackelberg Game 9
Inventory Management and Distribution Channel Coordination 10
Demand Function and Pricing Strategy 16
Lot sizing Algorithms 18
Chapter 3
Model Formulation and Analysis 21
Model Description 21
Notation 22
The NOC Mode l Construction 24
The OCI Model Construction 30
Summary 37
r 4 Numerical Experiments 39
Parameter Settings 39
The Results for Supplier 41
The Results for Retailers 45
Case for the Market Factor 51
Summary 59
Chapter 5 Conclusions 61
Conclusions 61
Suggestions for Future Research 62
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