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作者(英文):Ting-Hui Lin
論文名稱(英文):A Logistics Management Improvement Plan in Rural Area are Based on E-commerce Demand Data Analysis
指導教授(英文):Cheng-Chieh Chen
口試委員(英文):Chih-Peng Chu
Feng-Ming Tsai
關鍵詞(英文):Rural LogisticsSystem SimulationVehicle Routing Problem(VRP)
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本研究以台灣花蓮縣全境作為研究範圍,同時以個案物流公司提供之實際訂單資料,利用Arena模擬系統模擬需求點的產生,搭配Matlab與R Studio軟體求解車輛路徑問題。目的在於提供物流業者一符合歷史配送資料隨機性之訂單模型,且從研究過程中發現偏鄉物流需求訂單之再現性明顯高於都市地區,本研究也針對總旅行時間過長之問題提出三種不同解決方案,其中以事先剔除部分與物流中心過於遙遠之需求點及更換物流中心位置之方案,能最有效減少偏鄉物流地區總旅行時間過長的困境。
The special rural environment of Taiwan's logistics, not only the distance between the demand points is much farther than the urban area, but also the island of Taiwan is a long and narrow geographical environment, Central Mountains Range across Taiwan. Various factors make the logistics company spend a lot of time on the journey during the delivery process, and the staff need to spend lots of labor to deliver packages to consumers. Therefore, if a set of solutions can solve the problems such as increased transportation costs due to long delivery distances. In addition to improving business performance, it can also avoid unwarranted waste of resources.
In the past, most of the literature of vehicle routing problems are deal with under the premise of fixed demand points, fixed demand and so on. However, in real life, the location of the demand point, the size of the demand, and the distance between the demand points…… are all unknown. Before actual delivery, if there’s a simulation system based on actual data that can be used to solve the random vehicle routing problem. So that the logistics company can have a reliable system as a reference when facing logistics problems in rural areas.
Our research takes the Hualien County, Taiwan as the research scope and uses the real order data. We use the Arena simulation system to simulate the generation of demand points, and to solve the vehicle routing problem with Matlab and R Studio software. the goal of this paper aims to provide logistics companies with an order model that conforms to the randomness of historical distribution data, and from the research process, we found that the reproducibility of rural logistics demand orders is higher than urban areas. This research also proposes three different problems for the problem of excessive travel time. The solution, including removing some demand points that are too far away from the logistics center in advance and replacing the location of the logistics center can solve the problem most effectively.
致謝 I
摘要 III
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究範圍與假設 4
第四節 研究流程 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 偏鄉物流面臨之議題 7
第二節 車輛路徑問題(Vehicle Routing Problem) 8
第一項 古典車輛路徑問題 8
第二項 隨機車輛路徑問題(Stochastic VRP) 11
第三節 分群方法 13
第四節 小結 16
第三章 研究方法 17
第一節 問題描述與特性 17
第二節 問題定義與步驟 18
第三節 模型建立 19
第一步驟:資料處理與分析 19
第二步驟:建立模擬系統 21
第三步驟:車輛路徑規劃 23
第四節 小結 26
第四章 模擬與分析 27
第一節 個案物流公司案例 27
第二節 分析與探討 40
第三節 小結 47
第五章 結論與建議 49
第一節 研究結論與管理意涵 49
第二節 未來研究方向與建議 51
參考文獻 53
附錄 57
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