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作者(英文):Yu-Ting Wang
論文名稱:法源體系、IASB 委員國及監管經驗對會計品質之影響:來自強制採用IFRS國家之證據
論文名稱(英文):The effect of legal origins, IASB members’ country experiences of national regulatory authority and accounting quality: Evidence from mandatory use of IFRS countries
指導教授(英文):Wei-Ren Yao
口試委員(英文):Jia-Ling Li
Ying-Fen Lin
關鍵詞(英文):Earning ManagementLegal originsInternational Accounting Standards BoardAccounting quality
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The purpose of this study is to investigate that in mandatory use of IFRS countries, whether the IASB members whose nationality from different legal origins have an impact on accounting quality. We divide legal origins into two major systems - common law and code law and use earning management which one of accounting quality measures to determine the accounting quality.
First of all, we explore that in mandatory using IFRS companies, whether IASB members from different legal systems have an effect on accounting quality. Secondly, among the companies that mandatory use IFRS, whether IASB members who have experience in supervisory organizations have an influence on accounting quality.
We find that among the companies that mandatory use of IFRS, the accounting quality of the company which from the country originated from the common law system and has members in the IASB is not better than the one which from the country originated from the code law system. However, in the country originated in the common law, the accounting quality of the company which has members in the IASB and whom have experience in supervisory organizations is better than the one which has members in the IASB but whom haven’t experience in supervisory organizations.

壹、緒論 1
貳、文獻回顧及假說 5
一、會計品質 5
(1) 會計品質之定義 5
(2) 會計品質之衡量 6
三、國際會計準則委員會之特性 10
參、研究設計 13
一、模型設計 13
(1) 應計盈餘管理模型 13
(2) H1 實證模型 14
(3) H2 實證模型 15
二、資料來源與樣本選取 17
肆、實證結果 19
一、敘述性統計 19
(1) 假說一之迴歸結果 20
(2) 假說二之迴歸結果 21
伍、結論 23
參考文獻 25
附錄一 28
附錄二 29
附錄三 30
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