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作者(英文):Siou-Ya Lu
論文名稱(英文):Taiwan Corporate Credit Risk Index and Corporate Social Responsibility: The Moderating Effect of Corporate Governance
指導教授(英文):Mao-Feng Kao
口試委員(英文):I-Cheng Chang
Chien-Hao Tseng
關鍵詞(英文):Taiwan Corporate Credit Risk IndexCorporate GovernanceCorporate Social Responsibility
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  • 評分評分:系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔
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This study explores the impact of Taiwan corporate credit risk index (TCRI), and corporate governance (CG) on the voluntary disclosure of corporate social responsibility (CSR) information, and explores whether CG will regulate the relationship between TCRI and CSR information disclosure. The empirical results show that TCRI has a negative relationship with the voluntary disclosure of CSR information, indicating that enterprises with higher TCRI adopt a more conservative attitude toward voluntary information disclosure. CG has a positive relationship with the voluntary disclosure of CSR information, indicating that companies with better CG can promote voluntary disclosure of CSR information. In addition, it is found that CG has a positive adjustment effect on TCRI and voluntary disclosure of CSR information.
第一章  緒論.......................... 01
 第一節  研究背景與動機...................  01
 第二節  研究目的......................  03
 第三節  研究架構與流程...................   04
第二章  文獻探討與研究假說................... 07
 第一節  信用風險與企業社會責任資訊揭露...........  07
 第二節  公司治理與企業社會責任資訊揭露...........  10
 第三節  信用風險、公司治理與企業社會責任資訊揭露 ....   12
第三章  研究設計及方法..................... 13
 第一節  觀念性架構.....................   13
 第二節  樣本選取與資料來源.................  14
 第三節  實證模型......................   16
 第四節 變數操作定義....................    17
第四章  實證結果與分析..................... 23
 第一節  敘述性統計.....................  23
 第二節  相關分析......................  25
 第三節  羅吉斯迴歸分析...................  25
第五章  研究結論與建議..................... 29
 第一節  研究結論......................  29
 第二節  研究建議與限制...................  30
 第三節  研究貢獻......................  30
參考文獻............................. 31
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