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作者(英文):Kuan-Ting Yeh
論文名稱(英文):The tenure of the IASB member and accounting quality-Evidence from IASB members’ countries
指導教授(英文):Wei-Ren Yao
口試委員(英文):Jia-Ling Lee
Ying-Fen Lin
關鍵詞(英文):The members of IASBTenureAccounting expertAccounting quality
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本研究主要探討IASB委員任期是否會影響會計品質。過去文獻以FASB以及SEC委員這些準則制定者為調查對象,發現委員具備會計或財務專業、任期、不同的政治特徵會影響準則的制定走向(Allen, Ramanna, 2013)。學者對於監管機構的成員任期,如何影響監管者的決策結果,採正反兩面的態度(Stigler, 1971;Leaver, 2009)。本研究以2005年至2018年IASB委員國的公司為樣本,蒐集各委員在IASB的任期,研究結果發現:第一,當IASB委員的任期越長,該委員所屬的國家之公司會計品質有提升的傾向;第二,當IASB委員任期越長,且該委員同時為會計專家時,會計品質有提升的傾向。本研究結果隱含IASB委員的任期確實會影響會計品質,故能將此結果考慮至任命IASB委員的相關規範與限制。
The present study is primarily concerned with whether the tenure of the IASB member affects accounting quality or not. Previous literature selected members in FASB and SEC, the accounting standard setters, as cases to be investigated, finding that members with expertise in accounting or finance, tenure of members, different political climates influenced the setting of standards (Allen, Ramanna, 2013). As to how the tenure of members in regulatory agencies affects the results of regulators’ policy making, scholars had positive and negative attitudes (Stigler, 1971;Leaver, 2009). The current research adopts companies in IASB members' countries from 2005 to 2018 as research samples, and collects the tenure of each member in IASB. The findings are described as follows: First, when the tenure of the IASB member gets longer, accounting quality of companies in IASB members' countries tends to be higher. Second, when the tenure of the IASB member gets longer, and the IASB member is an accounting expert meanwhile, accounting quality tends to be higher. The research results imply that the tenure of the IASB member indeed affects accounting quality, which may be applied to the relevant regulations and restrictions when appointing an IASB member.
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧與假說建立 5
第三章 研究設計  13
第四章 實證結果 17
第五章 敏感性測試 21
第六章 結論 23
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