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作者(英文):Chi-Chun Chen
論文名稱(英文):A Study on the Performance of Information System with On-line Signature
指導教授(英文):Fang-Ming Hsu
口試委員(英文):Fang-Ming Hsu
Shu-Ling Chen
Hsiu-Wan Hung
關鍵詞(英文):Government agencyIS successSocial embeddednessHierarchical Linear Modeling
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資訊系統成功模式是識別資訊系統績效相關推動因素的重要基礎。然而就資訊系統成功因素而 言,過去在社會因素上的相關研究並不多。政府機關在推動具備數位簽章技術的電子文書檔案系統 時,經常將相關之利害關係人形成一個網絡。本研究整合社會鑲嵌觀點與資訊系統成功相關文獻為 基礎,探索社會因素與資訊系統因素對資訊系統績效的影響。本研究藉由我國政府機關的實務調查, 透過知覺有用性與使用者滿意兩個中介變數,希望能發現社會因素與資訊系統因素對資訊系統績效 之間的因果關係。本研究採用階層線性模式(hierarchical linear modeling, HLM)方法,瞭解上級組織層級 (上級機 關、檔案管理局、軟體廠商) 等因素對資訊統績效的影響。整體而言,本研究之成果將對在政府機關 資訊系統之管理理論與實務上,帶來貢獻。
Information systems (IS) success model has served as a key basis for identifying drivers of IS performance. Consequently, the role of social factors in driving IS success has been overlooked in this literature. Governance agencies embrace all relevant stakeholders in the network for the implementation of electronic document and records management system (EDRMS) with digital signature technology. In this study, we address this gap by integrating the social embeddedness perspective and IS success literature to theorize how social and IS factors affect the IS performance. Using investigation from a field survey of government agencies in Taiwan, we find evidence of a relationship between hypothesized social and IS factors through two measures of intermediate factors namely, perceived usefulness and user satisfaction – to the IS performance. Specifically, through regression method, we find that a causal relationship from social and IS factors to IS performance at the organizational level. Besides, this study uses hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) method to analyze the effect from the factors in upper organization level, i.e. upper-level agency, National Archives Administration (NAA) and software vendors to EDRMS performance. Collectively, the findings have theoretical and practical implications for relationships that should be managed in developing IS in government agencies.
Abstract ......................................................................................ii
Table of Contents..............................................................................iv
List of Figures................................................................................vi
1 Introduction ................................................................................1
2 Literature Review ...........................................................................3
2.1 Electronic Documents and Records Management Systems with Digital Signature Technology .....4
2.2 Social Factors affecting the IS performance................................................6
2.3 IS Success Factors affecting the IS performance............................................8
2.4 Upper-level Organizations of Government Agencies regarding EDRMS ..........................11
3 Methodology .................................................................................15
3.1 Research Subjects..........................................................................15
3.2 Data Analysis Method ......................................................................16
3.2.1 Descriptive Statistical Analysis ........................................................16
3.2.2 ReliabilityAnalysis......................................................................16
3.2.3 FactorAnalysis...........................................................................17
3.2.4 Hierarchical Linear Modelling (HLM)......................................................17
4 Research Result .............................................................................19
4.1 Validity Analysis..........................................................................19
4.1.1 CorrelationAnalysis......................................................................19
4.1.2 Confirmatory Factor Analysis ............................................................19
4.2 Hypotheses Validation .....................................................................21
4.2.1 Null Model...............................................................................21
4.2.2 Top-Management Leadership affects Perceived Usefulness and User Satisfaction ............21
4.2.3 Shared Norm affects Perceived Usefulness and User Satisfaction...........................21
4.2.4 Collective Efficacy affects Perceived Usefulness and User Satisfaction ..................21
4.2.5 System Quality affects Perceived Usefulness and User Satisfaction .......................21
4.2.6 Information Quality affects Perceived Usefulness and User Satisfaction ..................22
4.2.7 Service Quality affects Perceived Usefulness and User Satisfaction ......................22
4.2.8 Perceived Usefulness affects User Satisfaction...........................................22
4.2.9 Perceived Usefulness affects IS Performance .............................................22
4.2.10User Satisfaction affects IS Performance ................................................22
4.2.11Upper-Level Support affects IS performance...............................................23
5 Conclusion and Suggestion ...................................................................25
5.1 Research Conclusion .......................................................................25
5.2 Practical Implication......................................................................26
5.3 Limitation ................................................................................27
References ....................................................................................29
Appendix ......................................................................................35
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