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指導教授(英文):HUI-CHING LIN
口試委員(英文):PAI-TA SHIH
關鍵詞(英文):Power shortageWastewater discharge exceededBiogas systemCost recovery periodPig farmers
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Now a day Taiwan’s government faced energy crisis, consider environment protection while solving power shortage. Renewable energy such as solar power and wind turbine were one of the way to solve these problems. However, wind turbine couldn’t help Taiwan conquer the electricity peak during summer because of monsoon were started on October. In order to increased Taiwan’s renewable energy supply while solved the wastewater excessive discharge. Taiwan’s government encouraged pig farmers to install biogas system, except energy supply biogas system but supply heat as heating system costs down the treatment of pigs during winter, also solve wastewater excessive discharge. However, there were only 16% of pig farmer covered by government’s subsidy plants. Our purpose were to increase the incentive of install biogas system for those 84% of pig farmer, who weren’t covered by government. We used three difference scenarios below to discuss:
Scenario I: Use the scale of generator to design the subsidy amount, and retain the provisions of the original regulations that were free of wastewater charges, discuss the impact of the subsidy on cost recovery period of installing power generation equipment.
Scenario II: Continued the subsidy of Scenario I, increased the waste ware pollution fee of original regulations, compare whether subsidy impact the cost recovery period while the fee were increased.
Scenario III: If government installed a water quality monitoring system downstream of rivers and drainage channels, and increased the number of consecutive penalties that were not covered by the current regulations, discussed the impact of different types of investigation and penalties on the recovery period.
Based on the impact of above scenarios of recovery period, we found that subsidy can shorten the average recovery period about 3 years, which impacted the smallest farmers the most, and government could try to gradually increase the water pollution fee in the same time to increase the willingness of installed power generation equipment. If the government only supply subsidies with current regulation, it can try to install water quality monitoring system in the river, and add the penalty to the current regulations. By installed monitoring system to increase the banned rate of pig farmer’s excessive discharge, the fines were used to encourage pig farmers to install the biogas system.
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究目的 1
1.2 研究動機 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
第三章 情境分析之結構說明 9
3.1 臺灣目前養豬業現況 11
3.2 沼氣發電現況 12
3.3 情境分析之結構 14
3.3.1 情境一 政府對未達標準的中型養豬戶給予補助 14
3.3.2 情境二 調高水污費之收費費率 17
3.3.4 情境三 裝設水質監控系統 20 固定查緝機率,比較提高單位罰金對平均回收年限之影響 22 固定單位罰金,比較查緝機率提高對平均回收年限之影響 23 同時提高查緝機率與單位罰金 24 提高查緝機率並降低單位罰金 24
第四章 結論 27
第五章 未來展望 31
參考文獻 33
附錄 35

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