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作者(英文):Ya-Hsin Chiu
論文名稱:當地方本位教育課程遇上企業慈善計畫- 以花蓮縣豐南村Pakalongay解說員培訓課程為例
論文名稱(英文):When Place-Based Education meets a Corporate Philanthropic Project - A Case Study of Pakalongay Interpreters Training Courses in Fon-Nan Village, Hualien
指導教授(英文):Kuang-Chung Li
口試委員(英文):Shih-Chang Hsu
Hsin Wang
關鍵詞(英文):Place-Based EducationChild welfare communityCommunity empowermentCorporate philanthropy programStakeholder
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This study has long observed the change in the core values and operations of the course in the "Pakalongay Interpreter Training Course in Fengnan Village, Hualien County" from 2015 to 2018. The course originated from the cooperation between the research team of Donghua University and the local residents in 2012. It was established on and expanded from one of the three-fold approach of the Satoyama Initiative, which is to consolidate and secure the local traditional belief and wisdom. The elders in the local community give lectures to the Amis Pakalongay-class youths on traditional knowledge, which takes place from the Chihalaay Cultural Landscape to the whole village. The course content is set according to the daily practices of the community including farming, traditional cultural activities, environmental issues. Yet in June 2016 the Pakalongay Course started the cooperation with the CTBC Charity Foundation, which was guided and funded under its "Taiwan Dreams and Children's Community Accompanied by the Roots Project".

This study employs qualitative research methods through literature review, field observation records and in-depth interviews with stakeholders of the project. Main research questions focus on: (1)Changes of the goals and operation of the Pakalongay course.(2) Changes of the composition and roles of the stakeholders. (3)What are the positive and negative impacts result from the course content change on the students. (4) How do they adapt to or solve the difficulties after the project team entered and changed the course? Research datas are analysed by the stakeholder analysis and the theory of collaborative planning.The findings include three parts: (1)“Interaction between local knowledge and planning and training experts knowledge”: The interaction was limited during the initial stage of cooperation due to safety issues and number of participants, which led to the inability to conduct local environmental education courses. The break-in and adjustment period continued until the second year, as a new way of operation gradually formed under the name of Taiwan Dream. (2)"Partnership building, trust and communication": The actors of operation and guide in the community were swifted from elder lecturers and research team to project coordinators and course participants, meanwhile building more partnerships with different stakeholders externally. (3) "The use of action resources and finding the original intention for the course": Companionship becomes the priority, and the environmental education is regarded as an assistance. Both take place-based education as the starting point, while the courses of Taiwan Dream Project apply more innovation. Yet it requires more efforts to build local recognition and cohesiveness, as well as multi-connected curriculum resources to find the original intention.
第一章、 緒論 1
第一節 研究起源與動機 1
第二節 研究區背景與脈絡 3
一、 研究區環境 3
二、 Pakalongay解說員培訓課程發展脈絡 4
三、 臺灣夢兒少社區陪伴扎根計畫 12
第三節 研究目的與問題 14
一、 研究目的 14
二、 研究問題 14
第二章、 文獻回顧 15
第一節 地方本位教育 15
一、 地方與地方感 15
二、 地方教育學與地方本位教育 16
三、 臺灣夢兒少陪伴計畫社區案例 19
第二節 兒少福利社區化 20
一、 兒童及少年福利定義與政策發展 20
二、 兒少家庭福利與權益 20
三、 兒少福利社區化 21
第三節 社區培力 23
一、 社區能力與社區培力 23
二、 從社區培力經驗看見迷思 24
第四節 國內企業慈善案例文獻回顧 26
第三章、 研究方法 31
第一節 研究流程與田野工作進度 31
一、 研究流程 31
二、 研究工作項目及進行步驟 32
第二節 質性研究資料蒐集與研究方法 32
一、 資料蒐集方法 32
二、 受訪者與訪談方式選擇 33
三、 資料分析方式 34
第三節 研究者角色 37
一、 觀察者/分析者 37
二、 協力者/工作夥伴 37
第四節 研究限制 38
第四章、 研究發現與討論 39
第一節 權益關係人分析 44
一、 社區內部 47
二、 公部門 52
第二節 從Pakalongay課程到臺灣夢課程轉變機緣 55
一、 合作夥伴的機緣 55
二、 建立信任:計畫執行前之期待與改變 58
第三節 當臺灣夢計畫遇到在地已發展成熟的Pakalongay課程 60
一、 臺灣夢計畫委員們的培力建議是轉機改變抑或是給予原住民文化衝突矛盾 60
二、 Pakalongay課程核心價值留存與否探討 68
三、 各權益關係人對臺灣夢計畫執行疑慮與探討 79
四、 課程運作組織內部檢討:從中看見溝通問題 87
第四節 從磨合期出發到續案 101
一、 知識資源:找回Pakalongay課程初衷 101
二、 關係資源:組織內部整修、合作關係建立信任的過程 109
三、 行動資源:建立認同與凝聚力、Pakalongay尋根 118
第五章、 結論與建議 133
第一節 結論 133
一、 對比於Pakalongay課程,該兒少計畫的課程目標與操作方式有哪些轉變? 133
二、 在課程轉變之後,權益關係人的組成與角色有哪些變動? 134
三、 課程內容轉變對參與學生有哪些正負效益? 135
四、 遇到計畫的進駐再到課程轉變後,如何去調適與解決困難? 136
第二節 建議 137
參考文獻 139
附 錄 145
附錄 一 實際田野調查參與日期與內容 145
附錄 二 2017臺灣夢兒少社區陪伴扎根計畫訪談大綱: 149
附錄 三 推動弱勢家庭兒童及少年社區照顧服務計畫 153
附錄 四 臺灣夢兒少社區陪伴扎根計畫說明 155
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