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作者(英文):Wen-Chun Li
論文名稱(英文):The Tectonic Structure of the Northernmost Longitudinal Valley in Eastern Taiwan by using Gravity Data
指導教授(英文):Wen-Yen Chang
口試委員(英文):Horng-Yuan Yen
Hsien-Hsiang Hsieh
Chun-Hsiang Kuo
關鍵詞(英文):Longitudinal ValleyGravityBouguer anomalyTectonic
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本研究中搜集了研究區域內陸域及海域的重力資料,經過重力修正流程後,繪製出縱谷北段的重力異常圖,並進行地下構造之模擬。使用Talwani et al.(1959) 所提出的二維理論重力值公式計算2D密度模型的重力效應。為了減少重力建模中的非唯一解的問題,本研究使用地震層析成像、反射震測、地表地質圖和此區域的先前結果來約束密度模型。在使用嘗試錯誤法修改模型後,本研究最終得到一個符合觀測重力值的密度構造,並且提出了四個垂直於縱谷走向的二維密度剖面。
The Longitudinal Valley in eastern Taiwan is characterized by frequent earthquakes and complex geologic structures. It is generally considered as the suture of the collision between the Philippine Sea plate and the Eurasian plate. When the M7.3 earthquake in October 1951 and the M6.4 earthquake in February 2018 happened, the rupture of the Milun fault was observed in the northernmost Longitudinal Valley (NLV). To understand the fault strike and geological formation in the NLV, we use gravity anomalies to model the density structures and then explored the tectonic structure mechanism.
In this study, we collected the gravity data including onshore and offshore in NLV. After the gravity corrections, we obtained the gravity anomaly map of the NLV and proceeded to the 2-D density profiles modeling. Then using the Talwani method to calculate the effect of the 2D density model. To reduce the non-unique problem in gravity modeling, the density model was constrained by using the tomography, the reflection seismic data, the surface geological mapping and the previous results in this area. After using trial and error method to modify the model, we finally get a reliable density structure that conform with observed gravity data. We present four 2D density profiles perpendicular to the strike of the NLV.
After the gravity modeling, we get the locations of strata and faults in the NLV. Because of the collision between the Philippine Sea plate and the Eurasian plate, the sediment in the NLV becomes thick and dipping to east. The Lingding fault might be a sediment boundary made by the Coastal Range uplifted. Structural observations also show that the Luzon arc has started to subduct in the NLV, caused the Milun tableland uplifted. Those density models provide more details to understand the tectonic structure beneath the NLV.
第一章 緒論  1
第二章 研究區域概述  23
第三章 重力修正流程與重力異常  33
第四章 地下密度構造模擬  49
第五章 結果與討論  63
第六章 結論  75
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