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作者(英文):Jyun-You Liou
論文名稱(英文):Microstructure study of Plant leaf surface hydrophobicity transformation
指導教授(英文):Yu-Chuan Yang
口試委員(英文):Yu-Chuan Yang
Shih-Chieh Chang
Ming-Jou Wu
Kai-Jung Chi
關鍵詞(英文):hydrophobicityhydrophilicitymicrostructurecontact angleelectron microscope
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  • 評分評分:系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔
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二、接觸角量測的研究結果顯示,三種植物的接觸角與葉片成熟度呈負相關。聖誕紅的接觸角約40-140度,樟樹的接觸角約50-140度,烏臼的接觸角約65-145度。因三種植物皆有異常值,以交集為代表值,超疏水性(135度以上)、超疏-疏水過渡階段(135-130度)、疏水性(115-130度)、疏水-親水過渡階段(95-115度)、親水性(小於95度)。本研究結果與Barthlott & Neinhuis (1997, Planta, 202(1), 1-8.)所定義之超疏水性接觸角150度以上,以及Kim,& Noh (2018, Micromachines, 9(5), 208.) 所定義之疏水性接觸角90-130度,略有不同。
(二)葉面微結構第二層-葉面次級微結構:為橢圓突起上的微米及奈米尺度的蠟質結晶體。依據 Barthlott & Neinhuis (1997, l.c.)之分類,本研究將聖誕紅之結晶體鑑定為玫瑰型小板結晶體;樟樹為盤繞棒狀結晶體;烏臼為平行聚合小板結晶體。聖誕紅的結晶體寬度與葉片成熟度呈正相關,但結晶體長度與葉片成熟度不相關。樟樹與烏臼的結晶體長度、寬度皆與葉片成熟度不相關。
This study explores the process of the hydrophobic and hydrophilic changes on the leaves. Cinnamomum camphora (L.) J.Presl, and Sapium sebiferum (L.) Roxb. were common tree species in Taiwan. According to our prior investigations, some young leaves were hydrophobic and mature leaves were hydrophilic. We predicted that the microstructures of the leaf surfaces are related to the conversion from hydrophobic and hydrophilic.
In this study, we chose a bunch of leaves as a unit from three species, Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotzsch, C. camphora, and S. sebiferum. We did the following tests and summaries the results below:
1. Drip method: The superhydrophobic, hydrophobic, and hydrophilic properties of the three plants positively correlate with the degree of leaf maturity. The young leaves were superhydrophobic, and as the leaves grew, they turned into hydrophobic and hydrophilic.
2. Contact angle measurement: The contact angles of the three plants are inversely related to leaf maturity. The contact angle of E. pulcherrima is about 40-140 degrees, C. camphora is about 50-140 degrees, and S. sebiferum is about 65-145 degrees. Because there are outliers, we chose the intersection of the contact angle values. The values are superhydrophobic (> 135 degrees), between superhydrophobic and hydrophobic (135-130 degrees), hydrophobic (115-130 degrees), between hydrophobic and hydrophilic (95-115 degrees), hydrophilic (< 95 degrees). We used the contact angle measuring instrument (FTA125 standard). Compared with the literature Our results are slightly different from the superhydrophobic value (>150 degrees) of Barthlott and Neinhuis (1997, Planta, 202(1), 1-8.) and the hydrophobic value (90-130 degrees) of Kim and Noh (2018, Micromachines, 9(5), 208.).
3. Scanning Electron Microscopy: Primary and secondary microstructures are classified for leaf surface magnified at micro- or nano- meter scale, respectively.
(1) The microstructures of leaves-first layer is the elliptical protrusions on leaf surfaces of all the three plants on the micrometer scale. From young leaves to mature leaves, the length of the long and short axes increased, the size of the protrusion increased, and the density of protrusion declined, .
(2). The microstructures of leaves-second layer is the wax crystals of micro-meter and nanometer scales on the elliptical protrusions. Based on the classification of Barthlott & Neinhuis (1997, l.c.), E. pulcherrima is identified as Rosettes, C. camphora as Coiled rodlets, and S. sebiferum as Parallel grouped platelets. The crystal widths of E. pulcherrima positively correlated with leaf maturity, but the crystal length did not. Both of the lengths and widths of C. camphora and S. sebiferum are not related to leaf maturity.
第一章 緒論 15
第一節 研究背景與動機 17
一、研究背景 17
二、研究動機 17
三、研究目的 19
四、研究問題 19
第二章 文獻探討 20
第一節 仿生學-蓮葉效應 20
第二節 植物表面研究 24
第三節 接觸角 26
一、 本質接觸角/楊氏接觸角(Intrinsic contact angle) 26
二、 濕潤模型-Wenzel Medel 29
三、濕潤模型-Cassie Medel 30
四、實際情況 31
第四節 電子顯微鏡SEM 33
第五節 植物蠟的組成與型態 35
第六節 校園植物蓮葉效應調查 37
第三章 研究方法 49
第一節 研究架構 50
第二節 研究對象 51
第三節 研究工具 54
一、接觸角測量儀 54
二、臨界點乾燥器 56
三、鍍金儀 57
四、掃描式電子顯微鏡 58
第四節 研究程序 60
一、研究程序圖 60
二、滴水測試法 61
三、採集樣品 62
四、量測接觸角 63
五、電子顯微鏡樣品製備-超臨界流體乾燥法 64
六、電子顯微鏡樣品製備-鍍金 65
七、拍攝電子顯微鏡相片 65
第四章 結果與討論 66
第一節 前導實驗1 67
第二節 前導實驗2 74
第三節 前導實驗3 79
第四節 前導實驗4 85
第五節 前導實驗5 89
第六節 聖誕紅正式實驗1 95
第七節 聖誕紅正式實驗2 112
第八節 聖誕紅正式實驗3 126
第九節 聖誕紅正式實驗1~3結論 140
第十節 樟樹正式實驗1 145
第十一節 樟樹正式實驗2 158
第十二節 樟樹正式實驗3 172
第十三節 樟樹正式實驗1~3結論 184
第十四節 烏臼正式實驗1 188
第十五節 烏臼正式實驗2 216
第十六節 烏臼正式實驗3 233
第十八節 烏臼正式實驗1~3結論 248
第五章 結論與建議 249
第一節 結論 249
第二節 建議 259
第三節 未來研究方向 261
第六章 參考文獻 262


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