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作者(英文):Yi-Yi Chang
論文名稱(英文):Analyzing the Efficiency of Mobilizing Debris Flow Disaster Prevention Volunteer to Report Back Rainfall on Disaster Prevention
指導教授(英文):Zue-er Chen
口試委員(英文):Shyang-Woei Lin
Han-Lin Chen
關鍵詞(英文):debris flow disasteremergency responsedebris flow disaster prevention volunteerrainfall application
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Soil and Water Conservation Bureau, in the past few decades, have been training enthusiastic local leaders and elites to become debris flow disaster prevention volunteers with the hope of forming self-mobilized disaster prevention communities so that there can be local-based experts who may provide on-time alerts, report live information to proper authorities and thus may have impacts of disasters may be kept to the minimum or even be prevented.
Debris flow disaster prevention experts have long been seen contributing a lot to disaster prevention education, evacuation thrills and best of all, disaster report. And their collection of rainfall as well as other hydrological information may come in as plus on top of meteorologists’ studies weather, appearing especially helpful during typhoon and torrent seasons; these experts have their crucial role in keeping our people safe. The current research is to compare and contrast the rainfall collected by these experts and reports at meteorological stations and the application of these volunteers’ data on disaster prevention.
Results show that data collected by those volunteers and meteorological reports may be “completely congruent, completely incongruent and partially discrepant” and that may be attributed to (1) geological formation of the spot the volunteer reported from (2) distance between the spot the volunteer was at and the meteorological station (3) route of the typhoon. With Thiessen Polygons Method to categorize sections that a meteorological station may cover, the researcher discovers that an area that has a meteorological station, potential debris flow torrents, protected objects but no experts may need to be scrutinized as well. Contributions of a debris flow disaster prevention expert may include (1) to include information that rainfall report might miss out (2) to urge preventive evacuation (3) to boost necessary establishment of additional meteorological stations.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
一、 土石流防災專員 3
二、 防災應變 7
三、 研究方法比較 10
第三章 研究材料與方法 13
第一節 研究區域概述 13
一、 自然環境 14
二、 人文環境 14
第二節 研究材料 15
一、 颱風豪雨相關資料 15
二、 現存測站 35
三、 土石流潛勢溪流 41
四、 土石流防災專員 43
第三節 研究方法 47
一、 建立關聯性 47
二、 研究流程 52
第四章 結果與討論 53
一、 研究因子之劃分 53
二、 花蓮縣北區雨量站與防災專員雨量值比較分析 55
三、 花蓮縣中區雨量站與防災專員雨量值比較分析 89
四、 花蓮縣雨量站與防災專員雨量值綜合評估 109
五、 討論 126
第五章 結論與建議 151
一、 結論 151
二、 建議 153
參考文獻 155
附錄 158
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