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作者(英文):Huan-Yu Chou
論文名稱:時間域電磁法探討地下含水層: 以光復鄉大農大富平地森林園區為例
論文名稱(英文):Aquifer Investigation Using Time-Domain Electromagnetic Method – A Case Study of DaNongDaFu Forest Park in Hualien
指導教授(英文):Wen-Yen Chang
口試委員(英文):Chien-Ying Wang
Chow-Son Chen
horng-Yuan Yen
關鍵詞(英文):towed TEMresistivity1-D inversiongroundwater explorationDa-Nong-Da-Fu Forest Park
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位於花蓮縣光復鄉的大農大富平地森林園區(以下簡稱:DNDF),佔地約1250公頃,為全新式沖積層,多由未固結的礫石、砂、粉砂與黏土所組成。由於DNDF週邊開鑿之水井並不多,為初步了解DNDF地下水分布之情形,本研究選用時間域電磁法(Time Domain Electromagnetic Method; 以下簡稱TEM)於此進行地下含水層之調查。TEM之特性為施測快速便捷,且能直接反應地下導體之異常訊號,而為克服遼闊之測區範圍,本研究提出一套探測深度至少達30公尺或以下之拖載式TEM探測系統,此系統的設計是基於兩點考量:高效率的三維地下構造掃描與足夠深度的地電探測。
TEM的主要原理是對發射線圈通入交替直流電,以瞬間切斷電流的方式,激發地下導體產生二次磁場,當接收線圈感應接收到二次磁場(稱為暫態電壓),即表示測獲地下導體之電性特徵。而在現地施測時,本研究將新式發射線圈(長2.25m X 寬2.25m X 圈數10)固定於四輪絕緣框架上,以箱型車拖行,交替直流電每圈發射為28安培,暫態電壓以terraTEM接收線圈與主機收錄儲存。拖載式TEM探測系統應用於DNDF,使用3天時間完成施測,共獲753筆測點資料,各測點之暫態電壓經逆推後,轉換成不同深度之電阻率,再將其繪製成測區三維電阻率模型展示,亦包含各深度之電阻率切面及各切線電阻率剖面,完成之電阻率模型可與前人地質研究或工程地質鑽井結果進行比對,進而做為推估DNDF地下含水層之依據。此次利用拖載式TEM探測系統於DNDF施測,確實展現其高效率之地電探勘成果,並期望未來可進一步執行監測以及困難地形之探查。
Da-Nong-Da-Fu Forest Park (DNDF), Guangfu, Hualien, covers an area of about 1250 hectares. Geologically, this area is alluvial and is mostly composed of unconsolidated gravel, sand, silt and clay. In order to understand the groundwater distribution in DNDF, this study uses Time Domain Electromagnetic Method (TEM) to map; TEM is an efficient method in field operation, and own high resolution for detection as well. A towed TEM system is proposed based on two advantages: high-efficiency in mapping 3D structures and sufficient in-depth detection. The towed TEM can also be applied to other detection, such as pollution tracking, road base assessment and pipeline detection.
The principle of the TEM is very simple, to apply an alternating square current in the transmitting coil so as to induce the underground conductor to generate a secondary magnetic field during the current switch off. When the receiving coil receives the secondary magnetic field (referred to as a transient voltage), it means that the detection of the conductor. The new transmitting coil (length 2.25m X width 2.25m X number of turns 10) fixed on the four-wheeled insulated frame is towed by a car; a square DC power is transmitted at 28 amps per turn, and the transient voltage is recorded by the TEM system in the car. A number of 750 soundings were acquired in 3-day to complete the exploration in DNDF with the towed TEM detection system. The transient voltages are 1D inverted and then organized into the 3D resistivity model of the survey area, displayed in the plane slices and profile sections. The 3D electrical model correlated with the known geology in DNDF well in the first stage, and then can be inferred to the whole area in the park with confidence. Furthermore, the towed TEM system could become a powerful tool in monitoring and difficult terrain exploration. The TEM has practical value and academic significance.
學位考試委員會審定書 I
致謝 III
中文摘要 V
目錄 IX
圖目錄 XI
表目錄 XIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.2.1 TEM之發展 2
1.2.2 TEM前人研究 2
1.3 電類地球物理探勘方法特性之綜合比較 5
1.4 本文內容 7
第二章 研究區域概述 19
2.1 研究區域位置與地形概述 19
2.2 研究區域地質概述 20
2.2.1 脊梁山脈地質區(大南澳片岩區) 20
2.2.2 海岸山脈地質區 20
2.2.3 花東縱谷 21
2.3 研究區域構造概述 21
2.4 研究區域周邊工程地質鑽井結果 23
第三章 研究方法 31
3.1 TEM概述 31
3.1.1 TEM原理 31
3.2 儀器設備介紹 33
3.2.1 暫態電磁儀 33
3.2.2 輔助發射器 33
3.2.3 發電機 34
3.2.4 變壓器 34
3.2.5 新式發射線圈 34
3.2.6 三維移動向量接收器 34
3.2.7 DGPS 35
3.3 拖載式TEM探測系統之建置 35
3.4 拖載式TEM探測系統之修正 35
第四章 資料處理流程 43
4.1 引言 43
4.2 暫態電壓一維逆推 43
4.3 研究流程 44
第五章 結果與討論 53
5.1 引言 53
5.2 影響地層電阻率之因素 53
5.3 電阻率模型 53
5.3.1 電阻率切面 54
5.3.2 電阻率剖面 55
5.3.3 三維電阻率模型 56
5.4 討論 56
5.4.1 地表地形及淺部地層 56
5.4.2 地下含水層 57
5.4.3 瑞穗斷層 57
5.4.4 TEM與直流地電阻法之電阻率比較 57
第六章 結論 75
參考文獻 77
附錄A 鑽孔地質柱狀圖 82-84
附錄B 一種用於電磁波數據的演算法(Smith et al., 1994) 85-88
附錄C 時間-阻抗圖 89-91
附錄D 各深度電阻率切面(深度2-50公尺,剖面深度間隔1公尺) 92-93
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