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作者:Matthew Van Stone
作者(英文):Matthew Van Stone
論文名稱:A Rivers Shape: Changes in Landscape and People on A Shared Stream
論文名稱(英文):A Rivers Shape: Changes in Landscape and People on A Shared Stream
指導教授(英文):Kuang-Chung Lee
口試委員(英文):Yi-Tze Lee
Yue-Joe Hsia
關鍵詞(英文):Community-Based Natural Resource ManagementAdaptive ManagementLocal KnowledgeRiver UseIntra-Tribal RelationshipsCommunity-Based Conflict
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In this paper I look at a rural area in Eastern Taiwan where an Indigenous Kavalan community and an Indigenous Amis community share a river. The JiaLang River is an important resource for their livelihood, providing adequate water drinking and irrigation in each village, and was once a food source. It has undergone two commons dilemmas which the communities have needed to adapt to; the first came from the influx of modern economy and refrigeration which forever changed their traditional interactions with the river, and the second came in the form of development, greatly affecting the river’s biodiversity. Community-Based Natural Resource Management, and Local Knowledge are combined to increase their ability to adapt to changes, not only protecting the river, but also their traditional culture. However this has not been an easy task; each Indigenous community has very different language, culture, religion, and history, which once made communication difficult and led to conflict. Inter-marriage and friendship led to their current indifference, but they still lack collaborative efforts. Today there is a Multi-Stakeholder Platform implementing concepts of SEPLS and Satoyama, working with the two communities and helping to both develop the area, and to help foster cooperation. I use an anthropological framework to establish the JiaLang River as a focal point to view the connections and divisions between the two communities, and how they have learned to adapt to both environmental and social changes over time.
Key Words: Community-Based Natural Resource Management, Adaptive Management, Local Knowledge, River Use, Intra-Tribal Relationships, Community-Based Conflict
A Rivers Shape: Changes in Landscape and People on a Shared Stream
Table of Contents I
Tables III
Figures IV
Images V
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Research Purpose 5
1.3 Research Questions 5
Chapter 2: Literature Review 7
2.1 The Beginning of Common Pool Resource Policies 7
2.2 Policy implications and government actions 8
2.3 A Theory in Question 9
2.4 Rule-Making for Commons Systems 10
2.5 Common Pool Resource Situations and Dilemmas 16
2.6 Local Knowledge and Community-Based Natural Resource Management 20
2.7 Reinserting Humanity into Nature 24
2.8 Communities, Conservation, and Conflict Management 26
Chapter 3: Methodology 35
Chapter 4: Results and Discussion 41
4.1 Finding Place in Space 42
4.1.1 A History of Community-Based Natural Resource Management 45
4.1.2 Importance of Water 48
4.1.3 Pollution 52
4.1.4 Hunting 53
4.1.5 Fishing and River Trapping 55
4.1.6 Biodiversity Depletion 56
4.1.7 Construction 58
4.1.8 Poaching and outside influence 60
4.2 Implementing (Indigenous) Local Knowledge 62
4.3 Conflict and Cooperation 66
4.3.1 Forgetting the Past 68
4.3.2 Bridging the Gap 69
4.3.3 One road in 74
4.3.4 Conflict and School Life 75
4.3.5 Conflict Escalation 77
4.3.6 Widening the Gap 79
4.3.7 Common Goals 81
4.3.8 Connecting the Past and Present 85
Chapter 5: Conclusion 89
5.1 Conclusions 89
5.2 Future Research 93
Bibliography 95
Appendix A: Formal Interview Questionnaires 107
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