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作者(英文):Zong-Min Ye
論文名稱(英文):Enhancing the growth and color of two Acropora coral species by blue light and heterotrophic feeding
指導教授(英文):Tung-Yung Fan
口試委員(英文):Pi-Jen Liu
Li-Lien Liu
Tung-Yung Fan
關鍵詞(英文):spectrumheterotrophic feedinggrowthcolor3D scanningAcropora coral
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藍光具有促進珊瑚鈣化作用與增加色素的能力,但會抑制其共生藻光合作用所提供的自營功能,而異營餵食則可補償珊瑚所需的營養。本研究將多孔軸孔珊瑚 (Acropora millepora)與柔枝軸孔珊瑚 (Acropora tenuis),提供藍光 (450 nm)和白光 (7000K)的不同處理,並在完全人工環境、合成海水、光合作用光量子密度為200 μmol photons m-2 s-1、以及每周異營餵食滋養豐年蝦情況下,養殖12周,以評估光譜對其生長、色彩和生理的效應。結果顯示兩種珊瑚的存活率皆為100%,最大光量子產量也正常。浮力重量與3D掃描建模測量的結果顯示,兩種珊瑚的重量、體積、基部圓周與高的增長百分比在藍光組皆顯著大於白光組。兩種珊瑚側面共肉組織色彩的紅值、綠值、藍值和亮度的增加百分比在藍光組皆顯著大於白光組,但飽和度則是下降百分比在藍光組顯著大於白光組。因此,在異營餵食下,藍光能夠有效地提升養殖軸孔珊瑚的生長率與色彩亮度,進而強化人工培育產業用珊瑚的成效。
Cultivating coral under blue light is known to enhance coral calcification and increase pigmentation, but also inhibits the photosynthetic efficiency of Symbiodinium. To address this tradeoff, heterotrophic feeding has been proposed as a way to provide sufficient nutrients to corals grown under blue light. Corals, Acropora millepora and Acropora tenuis were cultured with a blue light (450 nm) and white light treatment (7000K) in an ex-situ environment for 12 weeks to assess the effects of light on coral physiology and color. The tank system was supplied with artificial seawater, had a photosynthetic photon flux density of 200 μmol photons m-2 s-1, and heterotrophic feeding with enriched Artemia salina was provided twice a week. Across treatments both coral species had a survival rate of 100% and their maximal photochemical yield was normal. The results of buoyant weight and 3D scanning modeling measurements showed that the increase percentage of weight, volume, base circumference, and height were significantly higher in the blue light treatment. The red, green, blue values and brightness score of the nubbin side tissue were significantly greater in the blue light treatment, but the saturation percentage was significantly lower in the blue light treatment. Therefore, under heterotrophic feeding conditions, blue light can effectively increase the growth rate and color of cultured aquarium corals, thereby enhancing the capacity for artificially culturing industrial corals.
壹、 前言 1
1. 珊瑚的重要性 1
2. 珊瑚水產養殖 1
3. 光環境對珊瑚影響 3
4. 珊瑚的自營與異營 4
5. 珊瑚的非破壞性量測 5
6. 軸孔珊瑚 7
7. 研究目的 8

貳、 材料方法 9
1. 珊瑚材料 9
1.1 母株採集 9
1.2 珊瑚分枝 9
2. 人工養殖系統與維護 10
2.1 養殖系統 10
2.2 系統維護 10
3. 光與光譜測量 11
4. 生長率測量 11
4.1 重量測量 11
4.2 表面積與體積測量 12
5. 色彩測量 13
6. 異營餵食 14
7. 最大光量子產量測量 15
8. 統計分析 15

參、 結果 16
1. 養殖環境參數 16
2. 存活與生長 16
2.1 重量 16
2.2 體積與表面積 17
2.3 表面積與體積比 (S/V值)與骨骼密度 18
2.4 基部圓周與線性生長百分比 18
3. 最大光量子產量 19
4. 色彩 19
4.1 RGB系統 19
4.2 HSB系統 22

肆、 討論 24
1. 珊瑚養殖系統與環境的影響 24
2. 光譜對軸孔珊瑚的影響 25
2.1 珊瑚生長 25
2.2 珊瑚色彩 26
3. 異營餵食 27
4. 3D測量應用討論與評估 28
5. 結論 30
6. 未來值得研究的問題 30

伍、 參考文獻 31

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