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作者(英文):Shao-Lung Leu
論文名稱:人工環境中黃足笛鯛(Lutjanus fulvus) (Forster, 1801)的自然產卵及初期生活史之研究
論文名稱(英文):Natural spawning and early life history of the blacktail snapper, Lutjanus fulvus (Forster, 1801) in captivity
指導教授(英文):Ming-Yih Leu
口試委員(英文):Shuenn-Der Yang
Kwee-Siong Tew
Ming-Yih Leu
關鍵詞(英文):natural spawningearly developmentlarvicultureosteological ontogenyLutjanus fulvus
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黃足笛鯛 (Lutjanus fulvus) 為一種廣泛分布於印度-太平洋海域的商業、遊釣及觀賞魚類,目前有關其完整的產卵及初期發育資訊所知有限。本研究首次描述二尾黃足笛鯛親魚自2017年9月1日至2019年2月31日期間在水溫24.1-29.0 ˚C條件下自然交配和產卵。黃足笛鯛的生殖具有明顯的月週期性,在每月的望月前後即可收集到受精卵,於朔月前後即停止產卵,每月約產卵4-9次,每次產卵量為496-124,146粒。受精卵為球形透明之浮性卵,卵徑為0.693-0.743 mm (0.720 ± 0.001) (mean ± SE),油球徑為0.130-0.174 mm (0.153 ± 0.001);於26.1 ± 0.7 ˚C水溫下,孵化時間耗時16小時30分鐘。剛孵化的仔魚,體全長(total length, TL)為2.03 ± 0.04 mm,具有27-29 (10-11 + 17-18) 條肌節,單一油球位於卵黃囊前端。仔魚首先以S型輪蟲 (Brachionus ibericus) 、橢形長足水蚤 (Calanopia elliptica) 及腹針胸刺水蚤 (Centropages abdominalis) 的無節幼生餵食,接著依序投餵橢形長足水蚤及腹針胸刺水蚤的橈足幼生及成體,最終以人工飼料馴餌。仔魚於孵化後 (days post hatching, DPH) 第3天 (2.65 ± 0.04 mm TL) 卵黃囊消耗殆盡並開口攝食,口徑大小為307.39 ± 4.41 µm;12 DPH時 (5.09 ± 0.07 mm TL) ,脊索末端開始上屈,尾下骨及尾鰭鰭條開始發育;26 DPH時 (15.11 ± 0.21 mm TL),各鰭條數已達成魚之定數 (背鰭硬棘X,軟條14;臀鰭硬棘III,軟條8) ,進入稚魚期。初期攝食之骨骼發育方面,0 DPH至14 DPH仔魚只具備軟骨結構,顯示此時期捕食能力相對較弱,14-20 DPH仔魚上下顎各骨骼及咽齒開始骨化,有助於輾碎和破壞獵物結構,增加其捕食及吸收營養能力,按口徑推測此時期已能夠攝食橈足類成蟲。探討不同溫度和鹽度對魚卵孵化及剛孵化仔魚畸形率之影響;結果顯示,溫度27.0˚C及鹽度34.0 psu可能為較適合的水質條件。本研究資訊可應用於改善繁殖場的種苗培育方法,有助於未來成功的培育笛鯛科魚類。
Blacktail snapper, Lutjanus fulvus is a commercial fishery, gamefish and aquarium species widely distributed throughout in the Indo-Pacific region. Knowledge of the integral spawning and early development of this species is limited. Successful spawning of a single pair of L. fulvus in captivity from 1 September 2017 to 31 February 2019 is described for the first time. The lunar-related reproductive rhythm was observed in this species. Fertilized eggs could be collected before and after the full moon, and spawning was stopped around the new moon. Spawning occurred 4-9 times per month, 496-124,146 eggs each time. Fertilized eggs were spherical, transparent and buoyant and had a diameter of 0.693-0.743 mm (0.720 ± 0.001) (mean ± SE), and an oil globules diameter of 0.130-0.174 mm (0.153 ± 0.001). Embryonic development lasted 16h 30 min at 26.1 ± 0.7 ˚C. The newly hatched larvae were 2.03 ± 0.04 mm in total length (TL) with 27-29 (10-11 + 17-18) myomeres and had an oil globule in the ventroanterior area of the yolk sac. Larvae were initially fed on Brachionus ibericus, Calanopia elliptica and Centropages abdominalis copepods nauplii, followed by Calanopia elliptica and Centropages abdominalis, copepodites and adults, and finally weaned onto an artificial diet. The first feeding of larvae was found at three days post hatching (DPH, 2.65 ± 0.04 mm TL) with 307.39 ± 4.41 µm in gape height of mouth, and the yolk sac was completely absorbed. At 12 DPH (5.09 ± 0.07 mm TL), the notochord was slightly flexed, and the hypural bones and caudal fin rays had begun to develop. At 26 DPH (15.11 ± 0.21 mm TL), all fins became the adults complement of rays and spines (D. X, 13-14;A. III, 8), juvenile stage was completed. For the skeletal ontogeny of feeding apparatus in L. fulvus, at 0-14 DPH, larvae only have cartilage structure, indicating that the predation ability is relatively weak during this period. At 14-20 DPH larvae, the maxilla and mandible begin to ossified, helping to crush and destroy the structure of the prey and increase the feeding efficiency. The effects of different temperature and salinity on hatching rate and malformation rate were compared. The results showed that at temperature 27.0 ̊C and salinity 34.0 psu may be a suitable water condition for larviculture. This information can help to develop better larviculture methodologies in hatchery and is likely to be useful for successful cultivation of snapper in the future.
謝辭 i
摘要 iii
Abstract v
第一章 前言 1
1.1緒言 1
1.2文獻回顧 1
第二章 材料方法 11
2.1實驗設計 11
2.2親魚培育 11
2.3自然產卵調查 11
2.4餌料生物培育 13
2.5仔稚魚培育 14
2.6胚胎及仔稚魚形態發育之光學顯微鏡觀察 16
2.7胚胎及仔稚魚形態發育之掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察 17
2.8初期骨骼發育觀察 19
2.9不同鹽度對受精卵孵化率及剛孵化仔魚畸形率的影響 20
2.10不同溫度對受精卵孵化率及剛孵化仔魚畸形率的影響 21
2.11統計分析 21
第三章 結果 23
3.1自然產卵 23
3.2黃足笛鯛胚胎及仔稚魚形態發育的光學顯微鏡觀察 23
3.3掃描式電子顯微鏡微細構造的觀察 30
3.4骨骼發育觀察 32
3.5不同鹽度對受精卵孵化率及剛孵化仔魚畸形率的影響 32
3.6不同溫度對受精卵孵化率及剛孵化仔魚畸形率的影響 33
第四章 討論 35
4.1二性特徵 35
4.2自然產卵 35
4.3黃足笛鯛的初期生活史 36
4.4卵與仔魚的微細構造 39
4.5初期骨骼發育 41
4.6溫度及鹽度對魚卵孵化率及剛孵化仔魚畸形率的影響 43
第五章 結論 45
第六章 參考文獻 47
附錄 114

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1. 擬刺尾鯛(Paracanthurus hepatus)的自然產卵和初期生活史之研究
2. 人工環境中疊波蓋刺魚(Pomacanthus semicirculatus)的自然產卵和初期生活史之研究
3. 人工環境中二種不同產卵模式的珊瑚礁魚類自然產卵、初期發育及仔稚魚培育—以飾妝銜鰕虎及鷹金䱵為例
4. 藍帶矛吻海龍(Doryrhamphus excisus excisus)的人工繁殖及初期發育
5. 人工環境中梅氏荷包魚(Chaetodontoplus meredithi)的自然產卵及初期生活史之研究
6. 人工環境中密點少棘胡椒鯛(Diagramma pictum) (Thunberg, 1792)的自然產卵及初期生活史研究
7. 人工環境中黑身荷包魚Chaetodontoplus melanosoma (Bleeker, 1853)的自然產卵與初期生活史之研究
8. 人工環境中淡斑荷包魚(Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus) (Yasuda & Tominaga, 1976)及福氏刺尻魚(Centropyge vrolikii) (Bleeker, 1853)的自然產卵及初期生活史之比較研究
9. 黑唇絲鰕虎(Cryptocentrus cinctus)的初期生活史及種苗培育研究
10. 人工環境中藍豬齒魚Choerodon azurio (Jordan & Snyder, 1901)的初期生活史研究
11. 銀鱗鯧的胚胎、仔稚魚發育及對氨氮急毒性耐受性之研究
12. 銀鱗鯧稚魚對亞硝酸鹽急毒性耐受性之研究
13. 藍帶荷包魚(Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis)的仔稚魚發育、微細構造及首次攝餌之研究
14. 養殖密度、換水率及添加光合菌(Rhodobium sp.)和藻水對於羅氏沼蝦(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)的成長、活存及水質因子之影響
15. 裂唇魚(Labroides dimidiatus)的自然產卵和初期生活史之研究
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