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作者(英文):Yu-Tin Lin
指導教授(英文):Kuang-Hao Wei
口試委員(英文):Hsiu-Hua Su
Hsiao-En Yang
關鍵詞(英文):Antonio HartMo DakSpeak LowJohn ColtraneSimple LifeSonny Stitt
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曲目依序為:26-2、There is no greater love、One for Daddy-O、Letters you left to me、Simple life、Up N down east street、People’s Love以及Cherokee,其中筆者的自創曲為Letters you left to me與People’s Love。
這次音樂會主題是希望致敬筆者最崇拜的爵士薩克斯風演奏家—安東尼奧˙哈特 (Antonio Hart) 教授,自從四年前Antonio Hart來到東華大學講課與音樂會演出,在買了他的演奏專輯「Blessings」之後,深深被他的音色、處理樂句的手法以及對音樂投入而且充滿熱情的態度所吸引,在學期間全心投入在學習他的音色、語法、語彙與即興的概念上,在兩廳院爵士營時也很幸運能夠有機會接受他的指導,更進一步學習到大師的智慧甚至是生活上的態度,
在此由衷感謝我的指導教授—魏廣晧 給予了許多機會能夠與大師接觸,讓身在台灣的筆者獲得了優渥的音樂資源,也要感謝我的主修教授—楊曉恩 給予筆者扎實的音樂訓練並詳細的解答問題,讓自己的技巧和音樂更上一層,在完成學業後,筆者也期許在未來能夠前往紐約與Antonio Hart學習更多的音樂技巧以及專業知識。
本場音樂會大量選用Antonio Hart所錄製過以及現場演出的曲目,也放入了一首筆者的自創曲,曲序依序為:Work Song、Mo Dak、Speak Low、Stars Fell On Alabama、Inner Urge、Public Eye、Like My Own。
To be a professional saxophonist you can't just playing instrument but don't know the story about the tunes you played. So i decided to write the analysis about the tunes i played in my recital to let people who read it to understand the way play Jazz music and how to listen it. This analysis report is using the song list from my master degree recital for analysis. every title of analysis will start from the history of the song, then analyzing the form and the chord changes. The song list is:
26-2、There is no greater love、One for Daddy-O、Letters you left to me、Simple life、Up N down east street、People’s Love and Cherokee.
Letters you left to me and People's love are my compositions. The topic of the recital is to tribute these grand masters who I love and showing what i learn from them through my compositions.
And the topic of my graduate recital is tribute professor Antonio Hart who is a famous Jazz saxophonist and I really admire. Since from four years ago he came to NDHU for the masterclass and the performance, after that, I bought his album called "Blessings" and started listening. I've been deeply attracted by the way he played、the atticulations and the attitude full of enthusiasm to music. I started to learn the tone、the atticulations and knowledge from him. Luckly I had opportunity to learn more from him in NTCH Jazz camp.
The song list is: Work Song、Mo Dak、Speak Low、Stars Fell On Alabama、Inner Urge、Public Eye、Like My Own.
I want to express grateful to my professor Kuang-Hao Wei to give me opportunity to meet the master and my saxophone professor Hsiao-En Yang to give me the strong training and solve my questions. After finish my academic, I wish I could go to study and learn more from Antonio Hart in New York.

壹、 碩士學位音樂會演奏曲目之樂曲介紹與分析 1
一、 26-2 1
二、 There is no greater love 5
三、 One for Daddy-O 6
四、 Letters you left to me 8
五、 Simple life 9
六、 Up N down east street 11
七、 People’s Love 13
八、 Cherokee 14
貳、 畢業音樂會演奏曲目之樂曲介紹與分析 17
一、 Work Song 17
二、 Mo Dak 19
三、 Speak Low 22
四、 Stars Fell On Alabama 24
五、 Inner Urge 26
六、 Public Eye 28
七、 Like My Own 29
參、 結語 30
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