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作者(英文):I-Hsuan Lee
論文名稱(英文):Attachment to Pets — Lee I-Hsuan’s creative narrative
指導教授(英文):Yun-Tien Tang
口試委員(英文):Chau-Jin Hu
Yung-Li Lin
關鍵詞(英文):animal rearingdeath of a petemotional signssymbols
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本論學理基礎嘗試添加摺紙符號,說明符號的象徵意義與衍生的語彙,由康納曼(Kahneman)的行為心理學做論證,融合人類正視動物倫理的學理觀點,並以超現實主義的技法為表現。動物不會人類語言卻親近人類,寵物成為人類忠實伴友,坊間多有討論如何與寵物溝通的資訊,創作者有飼過幾種動物,個人的主觀經驗,藉創作論文探討人類養寵物的行為心理。並選擇幾位當代藝術家以相同議題創作作品進行交叉驗證, 生老病死是所有生物都必經的生命歷程,創作者對於寵物死亡造成的失落感、痛苦卻又模糊的印象,轉化為圖像的元素,系列創作的作品中摺紙的符號融於其中,不僅別有新意與深意,更能使畫面豐富視覺的效果。
Attachment to Pets — Lee I-Hsuan’ s creative narrative, is a culmination of the works created which began with a fascination for the beauty of oil painting during her university studies. She reveres this medium as being full of colour whilst not being at all tacky. As one adds layer by layer, it looks elegant and dignified. During the fourth year of university, the author without hesitation chose oil paints as her medium of choice for her special graduation topic. During the creative process, she was fully immersed in and had a deep experience of the charm of oil painting. Thus, over time, she was able to refine her initially immature oil painting skills. The seeds of her topic came from childhood memories.

However, there is no end to learning, and one’s artistic practice is no different. The author obtained a place on this department’s Master’s degree course, in order to continue to investigate the areas of knowledge and skill she still lacked as well as her limited world view within the former topic which she so loved, to create a topic of discussion for her body of work. She wanted to ponder over her experience of raising pets during her childhood, supplementing it with theoretical foundations such as the study of semiology, behavioural psychology and surrealism. The purpose of the body of research is threefold, first, to investigate the affection displayed within the interactions between humans and animals and to gather relevant documentary analysis on this relationship. Second, to investigate contemporary artists which use death as a theme in their work, and to select those whose focus is on animals, and to use as reference the analysis of the change in mood of the works. Thirdly, when we revisit being confronted with the death of a pet, by the means of a series of artwork, try to understand the link between the experience of raising a pet and the imagery in the process of creating a piece of artwork, and to record the changes in mood when creating a piece of artwork. Thus began the development of the body of creative research for the thesis, Attachment to Pets.

This thesis tries to include the basic theoretical principles behind the symbols of paper folding, explaining the meanings and significance of the symbols as well as the vocabulary they give rise to. It expounds on Kahenman’s behavioural psychology and combines it with the theoretical viewpoint of humanity facing the question of animal ethics squarely on. Furthermore, these ideas are expressed using the surrealist art techniques. Animals do not possess the vocabulary of humans, yet they get close to humankind. Pets have become loyal companions of humans. Bookshops are filled with information on how to communicate with one’s pets. The author has had the experience of raising a few types of animals. Through this creative thesis she combines her own subjective experience to investigate the behavioural psychology behind humans raising pets. At the same time she chooses a few contemporary artists whose work broach upon the same subject matters in order to conduct a cross examination.
The cycle of birth and death is an unavoidable process all living things have to go through. The sense of loss, pain yet vague impression the author experiences towards the death of pets is transformed into visual images. The paper folding symbols presented and harmonised within this series of artwork not only represent modernity and deep meaning, they also provide the scenes with a sense of visual abundance.

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 創作背景與動機 1
第二節 創作目的與研究方法 4
第三節 研究架構與創作流程 6
第四節 研究範圍與限制 7
第五節 名詞解釋 8
第二章 文獻探討 11
第一節 動物倫理觀點 11
第二節 遭逢寵物死亡的失落經驗 14
第三節 圖像轉換的概念 16
第四節 超現實主義詮釋的情感模式 19
第五節 以動物為創作主題的相關藝術家 20
第三章 學理基礎與創作理念 31
第一節 學理基礎 31
第二節 創作理念 32
第三節 創作形式 33
第四節 創作技巧 38
第四章 作品詮釋與分析 41
第一節 系列作品創作分析 41
第二節 系列作品比較 42
第三節 作品詮釋 42
第五章 結論 59
參考文獻 60
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