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作者(英文):Chia-Yi Kang
論文名稱(英文):Art Comfort and Its Influences on Promoting Retired Older People’s Quality of Life
指導教授(英文):Chao-Hung Lin
口試委員(英文):Shiau-Hua Liu
Jia-Hua Wu
關鍵詞(英文):art comfortretired older peopleleisure activity for older peopleactive aging
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近年來,全球高齡化議題和政策受到政府單位、民間團體以及個人之關注與高度重視,擁有積極且正向之態度邁入成功老化(Successful Aging)一途,為世界衛生組織(WHO)對於高齡族群提出之建言與期待。因此本研究著重於如何運用藝術引導高齡族群於退休後獲得生活品質之提升。
In recent years, governments, non-governmental organizations, and individuals have placed great attention to and emphasis on the issue of global aging and its policies. The World Health Organization also makes related suggestions and expects older people to adopt an active and positive attitude toward successful aging and well-being in their later life. This research, therefore, aims to address this issue by focusing on how to apply art to guide senior citizens to have a better quality of life in their retirement.

This research investigates the characteristics of art and how it provides comfort and examines the understanding and personal experiences of older people who participate in art activities or courses. Through the analysis of their suggestions after such participation, some implementation strategies for creating “art comfort” activities and courses and promoting older people’s willingness to participate in them are developed.

Qualitative research method was adopted in this research. Semi-structured interviews from 18 older people in their mandatory retirement age or in their retirement were carried out to gather information, and content analysis was applied to analyze the information collected. Then, the analysis result of the interviews was used to verify the effects of art comfort on promoting retired older people’s quality of life and organize related principles for the related industry for future reference.

The findings of the research show that, art comfort comes with positive influences on promoting retired older people’s quality of life. Senior citizens should be taken into major consideration in designing current courses, activities, spaces, facilities, and transportation. Furthermore, art comfort can be the core concept of diverse courses and activities with which to promote active aging to a wider population of older people.
論文審定書 1
著作聲明 3
已出版聲明 5
誌謝 7
摘要 9
Abstract 11
圖目錄 15
表目錄 17
第一章 緒論 19
1.1研究背景與動機 20
1.2研究問題 23
1.3研究方法 25
1.4研究貢獻 27
1.5研究限制 28
1.6論文組織架構 29
1.7名詞解釋 30
1.8結語 30
第二章 文獻回顧 33
2.1藝術的社會價值 _藝術系統的溝通形式 35
2.2藝術的慰藉作用 36
2.3藝術參與對於提升生活品質之重要性 41
2.4退休 49
2.5活躍老化 54
2.6藝術慰藉針對退休高齡族群之相關案例分析為何 58
2.7結語 61
第三章 研究方法 63
3.1質性研究方法之選擇 64
3.2研究流程 66
3.3資料蒐集方法 69
3.4資料分析方法—訪談資料分析 80
3.5 結語 84
第四章 訪談內容分析與討論 85
4.1訪談對象與資料編排 86
4.2藝術慰藉對於提升生活品質之正向經驗為何? 88
4.3藝術慰藉針對退休高齡族群之執行策略為何? 110
4.4如何提升退休高齡族群之參與意願? 119
4.5結語 125
第五章 結論與建議 127
5.1研究目的與研究理論架構總結 128
5.2總結研究流程 129
5.3總結研究結果 131
5.4研究限制 135
5.5研究貢獻 135
5.6未來研究建議 136
5.7結語 137
中文參考文獻 138
英文參考文獻 141
附件一、訪談同意書 144
附件二、訪談資料整理 145
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