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作者(英文):Tun-Hsiang Yang
論文名稱:被診斷為 ADHD 兒童的生活經驗:以花蓮某偏鄉地區為例
論文名稱(英文):The Lived Experience of ADHD Children in the Remote Areas of Hualien County
指導教授(英文):Shyh-Heng Wong
口試委員(英文):Fan-Tzu Tseng
Wei-Lun Lee
關鍵詞(英文):ADHDchildren’s lived experiencehermeneutic phenomenologyindigenous psychologyidentity
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Objectives: To reveal the reasons, diagnostic process and meanings behind the higher prevalence, this study aimed to understand the lived-experience of ADHD children in remote area of Taiwan. Also, described sufferings behind the symptoms of ADHD and preliminary investigated the advantages of ADHD children in rural areas.

Methods: The approach is based on hermeneutic phenomenology, which involved participant observation of 6 months and 5 interview subjects.

Results: Higher prevalence might be on account of the following factors: (1) higher risk of exposure to alcohol, (2) disadvantaged family background comparing to city or middle-class, (3) the influences of developmental trauma, smart phone or tablets on attention and emotion, (4) over specific key persons due to geographic factor, (5) drugs as an effective “non-biological” assistance, and the real needs behind the symptoms of ADHD might be belongingness and psychological care. Although it differs from person to person, the symptoms of ADHD were definitely limited to explain the suffering. However, the context behind the criteria was arduous and demanding to understand, even made key-persons at one’s wits’ end. Gradually formed the phenomenon of “interdependence between drugs and care”. To provide care, drug must exist, otherwise the behaviors were not understandable.

Conclusion: The core dilemma of ADHD children in the remote area might lie in the mindset which took “city/development/middle class” as the only route to be “good”, and kept people in rural areas from finding the “good living conditions for ADHD children”. It made the drugs become the “only” and most “effective” way toward the dilemma, however it seems also made people from remote areas and ADHD children feel deficient or uncertain about themselves toward the end. Therefore, as a worker around ADHD children in rural areas, it is important to see the advantages locally and develop corresponding intervene strategy to the lived-experience and needs.
謝誌 i
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 我與過動兒的複雜交往 1
1.2 我與花蓮偏鄉處境的邂逅 3
1.3 作為一位訓練中的臨床心理師 4
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2.1 兒童如何獲得診斷? 7
2.2 現行的診斷模式 11
2.3 以藥物為主的治療有什麼疑慮? 16
2.4 ICF 對 ADHD 的研究 18
第三章 研究方法 23
3.1 詮釋現象學 23
3.2 研究設計 24
(一)文本來源 24
(二)文本分析方法 25
3.3 倫理議題 27
(一)研究者的反身性(reflexitivity) 27
(二)知後同意(informed consent) 28
(三)保密與匿名性(confidentiality and anonymity) 29
(四)保護當事人免受傷害(protection from harm) 29
第四章 研究結果 31
4.1 出生 32
高機率暴露於酒精或其他物質及其難以估量之影響 32
4.2 成長 33
(一)脆弱的家庭結構與貧窮的社經地位 34
(二)3缺與3C代管的教養風格 35
(三)被忽略的早期(創傷)經驗 36
4.3 適應 39
(一)ADHD在教育現場的突兀 39
(二)過動與不專心的模糊邊界 41
(三)學校的支持促成醫療介入 43
(四)失控或失序行為凸顯的環境涵融困局 44
4.4 認定 45
(一)「必須先」轉介至醫療體系 46
(二)課輔撐起的醫療介入 47
(三)被動的醫療帶來的失落與所得 49
(四)「必須先」之後—教育體制的改變力量與協助論述 51
(五)教育身份的飄泊歷程—過動與學障的難分難解 53
4.5 態度 56
(一)藥物的效果與身份引發的態度轉變 56
(二)介入的副作用與身份帶來的疑慮 57
(三)用藥為「唯一」的道路與人性運作的結果 61
第五章 討論 67
5.1 花蓮偏鄉地區 ADHD 兒童的盛行率過高之可能因素 68
(一)潛在暴露於酒精與其他有害物質 68
(二)「弱勢」的早期經驗 69
(三)地域性因素造成的權力過度集中 72
(四)藥物介入作為有效的「非生物」協助方式 73
5.2 ADHD 診斷的症狀意義及平行時空中的受苦核心 75
5.3 花蓮偏鄉地區的困境即優勢的論述 77
5.4 研究限制與展望 83
第六章 結論 85
參考文獻 87
附件 93
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