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作者(英文):Guan-Huei Li
論文名稱(英文):A factor analysis study of ultra brief Coping Orientations to Problems Experienced Inventory
指導教授(英文):Shih-Kuang Chiang
口試委員(英文):Wan-Lan Chen
Theodore Mazarakis
關鍵詞(英文):ultra Brief COPEcopingfactor analysismulti-group confirmatory factor analysis (MGCFA)
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本研究旨在探索極短版因應策略量表的因素結構,該量表僅包含14個題項,是廣泛使用的短版因應策略量表的精簡版。在此次級資料分析研究中,使用了於2012年參加台北榮民總醫院玉里分院辦理之全國性教師研習營所收集的514位臨床教師的問卷數據。研究首先以SOLOMON方法將樣本分為兩個子樣本;樣本1(n = 254)進行了探索性因素分析(EFA),樣本2(n = 253)進行了驗證性因素分析(CFA),以比較模型適配指標並確定最佳適配模型,並進行了測量恆等性檢驗,以研究兩個性別樣本的模型適配差異。結果顯示,在排除了自我分心和宗教因應分量表後,可得出一個三因子模型(進取因應、逃避因應和尋求支持因應);雖然在兩個性別樣本的測量恆等性未能完全通過,該模型在驗證性因素分析仍中呈現出良好的適配。未來研究需要進一步確認性別在壓力因應方面的差異,以及建立極短版因應策略量表跨樣本和壓力情境的因素模型。總的來說,研究結果表明極短版因應策略量表是一個適合探索因應和相關問題的工具,可應用於未來的研究和臨床環境中。
The present study aimed to explore the factor structure of the ultra Brief COPE, a shortened version of the widely used Brief COPE inventory, which consists of 14 items. In this secondary data observational analysis, questionnaire data were collected from 514 clinical instructors who participated in nationwide workshops held by Taipei Veterans General Hospital Yuli Branch in 2012. The sample was split into two subsamples using the SOLOMON method. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted on Sample 1 (n = 254), while confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed on Sample 2 (n = 253) to compare model fit indices and determine the best-fitting model. Measurement invariance tests were also conducted to examine potential gender differences. The results revealed a 3-factor model (approach, avoidant, and support-seeking) after excluding the self-distraction and religion subscales. This model demonstrated good fit in the CFA analysis, although it did not achieve full measurement invariance across the two gender samples. Further research is needed to investigate gender differences in stress coping and establish measurement invariance in various samples and stress contexts within this 3-factor model. Overall, the findings suggest that the ultra Brief COPE is a suitable tool for exploring coping and related issues and can be used in future research and clinical settings.
Introduction 1
Literature Review 3
Theories and Categories of Coping 3
Measure of Coping and Development of the Brief COPE 7
Factor Structure of the Brief COPE 10
Methods 23
Research Design 23
Participants 23
Measures 25
Data Analysis 26
Results 31
Exploratory Factor Analysis 31
Confirmatory Factor Analysis 32
Measurement Invariance 35
Discussion 39
Interpretation of Findings 39
Implications of the Findings 44
Limitations of the Study 45
Future Research Directions 46
Conclusions 47
References 49
Appendix A 61
Appendix B 63

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