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作者(英文):Nu-Chin Huang
論文名稱(英文):A Study of Tutors’ and Tutees’ Engagement relevance for Online Tutoring
指導教授(英文):Tai-Chien Kao
口試委員(英文):Tung-Chung Tsai
Ming-Chou Liu
關鍵詞(英文):Online TuteeOnline TutorEngagement Scale
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研究者以Wang, Fredricks, Feifei, Hofkens, 和Linn(2017)之學習投入(school engagement)定義為理論架構,參考國內外學習投入量表題項,完成38題「網路課輔學生學習投入量表」,以東華大學數位學伴計畫106-2學期網路課輔學生為預試對象,進行項目分析,以及信、效度考驗。再以108-1學期網路課輔教師、學生為正式施測對象,背景變項分為網路課輔學生、教師、師生三大部分,來探知網路課輔學生的學習投入,及其行為、情感、認知、社交不同面向的投入情形。

本研究編製「網路課輔學生學習投入量表」總量表的Cronbach α係數為.96,各層面的α係數在.81~.94之間,故本量表有良好的內部一致性信度。本量表所選取的題目有合適的文獻支持,故本量表有良好的內容效度;經因素分析結果取出7個因素,總解釋變異量為72.57%,在38題中,因素分析結果和原設計向度相符的有33題,符合比率高達87%,故本量表有良好的建構效度。進行項目分析,及信、效度考驗後無刪題,正式量表共38題。

一、 網路課輔學生學習投入程度屬中高程度,各學習投入向度得分依序為:「行為投入」、「情感投入」、「社交投入」、「認知投入」。
二、 以網路課輔學生不同學習階段來看,在「情感投入」面向中,國小生顯著高於國中生;次構面「負向觀感」,則是國中生顯著高於國小生。以網路課輔不同學校來看,學生在「情感投入」、「社交投入」有顯著差異;以網路課輔教師是否為教育相關學系來看,教育相關學系教師之學生在「情感投入」顯著高於其他學生;以網路課輔教師年級來看,教師為大一生之學生其「情感投入」顯著高於教師為研究生之學生。以網路課輔教師資歷且師生性別相同與否來看,當網路課輔教師為新進教師且師生性別不同時,傾向付出更多的心力,在學習投入分數顯著高於其他師生配對。
三、 網路課輔學生「正向觀感」與網路課輔教師「學習投入」、「認知投入」「認知投入」、「社交投入」有低度相關。

This study aims to develop an “Online Tutees’ Engagement Scale”, through which we can understand online tuteers’ engagement, and to explore the factors related to the school engagement between tutors and tutees, then to put forward suggestions for improving teaching practice.

The researchers used the school engagement definition of Wang, Fredricks, Feifei, Hofkens, and Linn(2017) as the theoretical framework, we referred to domestic and foreign engagement scales and completed 38 “Online Tutees’ Engagement Scale” questions, we took online tutees of DongHua University who participated the Project of Online Tutoring for After School’s Learning of the 106-2 semester as our preliminary research object, and conducted program analysis, as well as reliability and validity tests. We then took online tutors and tutees of 108-1 semester as official research object, the variables are divided into three major parts: online tutees, the tutors, and relationship between the tutors and tutees, in order to explore the Engagement of online tutors, and their Behavioral Engagement, Emotional Engagement, Cognitive Engagement, and Social Engagement.

The Cronbach α coefficient of the total scale of our “Online Tutors’ Engagement Scales” is. 96, the α coefficient of all aspects are between.81 and.94, therefore, our scale has good internal consistent reliability. As the subject chosen for the scale has appropriate references, the scale has good content validity, 7 factors were taken out by factor analysis, and the total explained variance was 72.57%. Among the 38 questions, the result of factor analysis of 33 questions conformed to their original design orientation, and the coincidence rate was up to 87%. Thus, the scale has good construct validity.
After the program analysis, and the test of reliability and validity, none of questions was deleted. The final formal scale contained 38 questions.

The result of this study are as follows:
1. The degree of school engagement among online course tutees is medium-high level. The scores of each school engagement dimension are, in order: "Behavioral engagement", "Emotional engagement", "Social engagement" and "Cognitive engagement".
2. In terms of online tutees’ different learning stages, in the emotional engagement dimension elementary school students are significantly higher than middle school students; in the sub-dimension of "negative perception", middle school students are significantly higher than elementary school students. From the perspective of different schools online tutoring school, students display significant differences in "emotional engagement" and "social engagement" ; From the perspective of whether the online tutor represents an education-related department, the students of the education-related department tutors rank significantly higher in "emotional engagement"; In terms of online tutors’ grades, the "emotional engagement" of tutees whose tutors are freshmen is significantly higher than that of tutors who are graduate students. In terms of the experience of online course tutors and the gender of teachers and students, when online tutors are new teachers and the genders of teachers and students are different they tend to put more effort into learning, and their scores for school engagement are significantly higher than other teachers and student pairs.
3. There is a low correlation between the sub-dimension of the "positive perception" of online course tutees’ and the online course tutors' "school engagement", "cognitive engagement", "cognitive engagement" and "social engagement".

Keywords: Online Tutee, Online Tutor, Engagement Scale
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的與待答問題 6
第三節 名詞釋義 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 網路課輔 9
第二節 學習投入 27
第三節 網路課輔學生的學習投入 35
第三章 研究方法 39
第一節 研究架構 39
第二節 研究場域與參與者 41
第三節 研究假設 43
第四節 研究工具 44
第五節 資料處理與分析 48
第四章 研究結果與討論 51
第一節 「網路課輔學生學習投入量表」編製結果 51
第二節 網路課輔學生學習投入表現 65
第三節 網路課輔學生習投入之情況分析 69
第四節 學生背景變項於學生學習投入表現的比較性分析 75
第五節 教師背景變項於學生學習投入表現的比較性分析 84
第六節 網路課輔學生學習投入與教師學習投入之相關分析. 90
第五章 結論與建議 95
第一節 結論 95
第二節 建議 100
參考文獻 103
一、中文部分 103
二、英文部分 107
附錄 111
附錄一 專家審查表 111
附錄二 網路課輔學生學習投入量表施測學生知情同意書 119
附錄三「網路課輔學生學習投入量表(預試卷)」 121
附錄四「網路課輔學生學習投入量表(正式施測卷) 127



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