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作者:Altantuya Dashdeleg
作者(英文):Altantuya Dashdelg
論文名稱:The Relationship of Students’ Multiple Intelligences and Their Academic Achievement: A Case of Mongolian University Students
論文名稱(英文):The Relationship of Students’ Multiple Intelligences and Their Academic Achievement: A Case of Mongolian University Students
指導教授(英文):Wei-Yu Liu
口試委員(英文):Te-Sheng Chang
Ting-Ying Luo
關鍵詞(英文):Multiple IntelligencesAcademic achievementMongolian University
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This quantitative study analyzes the relationship between Mongolian university students’ academic achievement and Multiple intelligences (MI), as well as differences in terms of gender and residence (urban and rural). Using the framework of Gardner’s theory, to shed some light on the ambiguity of this relationship and share the MI framework with Mongolian higher education. The data includes a self-report MI questionnaire, a modified version of McKenzie’s MII (1999-2017), given to a sample of 318 undergraduate majors of management, international trade, marketing, and human resource management, including: 102 males, 216; 189 urban, 129 rural, as well as their course grades. The course grades were further divided into language-intensive and math-intensive courses, then SPSS 22 was utilized for descriptive statistics, general linear model repeated measure, independent t-test, correlation, and multiple linear regression. Results show that the highest MI was naturalistic, and lowest was logical-mathematical. In terms of gender there were no statistically significant differences, however for residence one was found for intrapersonal intelligence, with urban higher than rural. Furthermore, all intelligences were shown to have a statistically significant positive correlation. Excluding math-intensive courses with naturalistic and spatial intelligence; language-intensive courses with logical-mathematical intelligence, naturalistic, spatial, and bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. Multiple linear regression also showed students’ MI does have a relationship with their academic achievement in their math-intensive and language intensive courses at the University of Humanities, in Mongolia. Thus, proving that Gardner’s MI theory in Mongolian setting was worth exploring. Further study is needed so that MI can be expanded into further applications up to and including higher education, for the individualization and democratization of curriculum, teaching, learning and assessment. Keywords: multiple intelligences, academic achievement, Mongolian university
Table of Contents
Acknowledgement 1
Abstract 2
Table of Contents 3
List of Tables 6
List of Figures 7
Chapter One: Introduction 8
Background of The Study 8
The Purpose of The Study 13
Research Questions 13
Definition of Terms 14
Significance of the Study 15
Chapter Two: Literature Review 16
Higher Education in Mongolia 16
Mongolian University Enrollment Process 19
University of Humanities 20
Multiple intelligences and Its Evolution 21
General Intelligence 21
Branches of General Intelligence. 22
Pluralistic Intelligence 25
Gardner’s Multiple intelligences Theory 27
Implementation of MI 30
Measurement of MI 35
Academic Achievement 37
Multiple intelligences and Academic Achievement 38
Summary of The Literature Review 45
Chapter Three: Methodology 47
Research Framework 47
Hypothesis 48
Sample Description 49
Instrument Description 50
Data Collection Methodology 51
Analysis Methodology 52
Chapter Four: Result and Discussion 53
Descriptive statistics 53
Research Questions 1. What are the multiple intelligences of University of Humanities students? 54
Discussion on Mongolian Students MI 56
Research Questions 2. How is the academic achievement in mathematics-intensive and language-intensive courses of University of Humanities students? 58
Discussion on Students Academic Achievement 58
Research Questions 3. Is there any difference in the MI of male and female University of Humanities students? 59
Discussion on Mongolian Students MI in Terms of Gender Differences 60
Research Questions 4. Is there any difference in the achievement of male and female University of Humanities students? 61
Discussion on Students Academic Achievement in terms of Gender 61
Research Questions 5. Is there any difference in the MI of rural and urban University of Humanities students? 62
Discussion on Mongolian Students’ MI in Terms of Residence 63
Research Questions 6. Is there any difference in the academic achievement of rural and urban University of Humanities students? 63
Discussion on Students’ Academic Achievement in Terms of Residence 64
Correlational Analyses 64
Multiple Regression Analyses 66
Research Questions 7. Does University of Humanities students’ multiple intelligences have a relationship with their academic achievement on math-intensive courses? 68
Discussion on MI and Academic Achievement in Math-Intensive Courses 69
Research Questions 8. Does University of Humanities students’ multiple intelligences have a relationship with their academic achievement on language-intensive courses? 71
Discussion on MI and Academic Achievement in Language-Intensive Courses 72
Chapter five: Conclusion and Suggestions 74
Conclusion of The Research 74
Suggestions for The University, Teachers, and Students 75
Limitations of The Research 76
Suggestions for The Future Researchers and Educators 77
References 78
Appendix A. Multiple intelligences Inventory of McKenzie (1999-2017) 89
Appendix B. Adaption into Mongolian Language and Culture 92
Appendix C. Mongolian Translation of MII Given to Participants 94

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