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作者(英文):Yu-Fang Shih
論文名稱(英文):From acquisition to transfer: A self-narrative study on the shaping of a competency based curriculum designer and teacher
指導教授(英文):Ai-Chun Yen
口試委員(英文):Jeffrey Gamble
Yueh-Hsia Chang
關鍵詞(英文):108 Curriculumcore competenciesUbDA-M-T goal type
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After the release of 108 Curriculum and the emphasis on core competencies, Ministry of Education have encouraged teachers to design competency-based courses. However, my superficial understanding regarding Curriculum Guidelines and General Guidelines left me unsure about how to create a proper lesson plan. Through studying UbD and the A-M-T goal type, I came to realize the importance of establishing a solid foundation, particularly in elementary school settings. Without solid foundation, meaningful learning and learning transfer will not occur.
This qualitative, self-narrative study has two main objectives: (a) to see how the application of A-M-T goal type reconstruct, reshape my abilities and perceptions on making competency-oriented courses, and (b) to see how the application of A-M-T goal type shape my identity as a qualified competency-based curriculum designer.
After analyzing Learning Focus from Curriculum Guidelines, there are some findings: 1) The majority goal type of A-M-T in the level of elementary school are between ‘A’ and ‘m’, and it shows up the importance for establishing the solid foundation. Without solid foundation, students cannot construct the knowledge or reach the learning transfer on their own. 2) After teachers ensure students have solid foundation, then they can deepen students learning level in order to help them construct knowledge deeply.
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Purpose of the Study 4
1.3 Research Questions 6
1.4 Significance and Limitation of the Study 6
1.5 Definition of the Terms 7
1.6 Summary 10
2.1. Core Competencies and Competency-based Curricula 11
2.1.1. Core competencies in general 11
2.1.2. Core competencies in 108 Curriculum 14
2.1.3. Competency-based course in Taiwan 16
2.2. Understanding by Design 20
2.3. The Goal Type of A-M-T 22
2.3.1. Acquisition 23
2.3.2. Meaning 24
2.3.3. Transfer 27
2.4. Summary 33
3.1. Research Method 34
3.2. Research Procedure 36
3.3. Research Materials 38
3.3.1 General Guidelines 39
3.3.2 Curriculum Guidelines 39
3.3.3 The Goal type of A-M-T 41
3.4. Research Tool 43
3.4.1 The revised goal type of A-M-T continuum 45
3.4.2 The criteria of the goal type of A-M-T 51
3.5. Data Collection 54
3.6. Data Analysis 56
3.7. Reliability and Validity 56
3.8. Summary 58
4.1 On the Surface: a 61
4.2 Growing up: A-m 64
4.2.1. Contradictions on making lesson plan 64
4.2.2. Starting from ‘Essential Questions’ 70
4.2.3. My practice on UbD: Teaching materials 74
4.2.4. Misconceptions 82 Essential Questions 82 Assessment 85
4.2.5. UbD Lesson Plan Competition 88
4.2.6. Goal type of A-M-T and Curriculum Guidelines 96
4.2.7. Analyze English Guidelines 101
4.3 Deepening: m-M 103
4.3.1 Learning other subjects 104
4.3.2 Revise and review the goal type of A-M-T 106
4.4 Exploring: M-t 107
4.4.1 General Analysis 107
4.4.2 The First Learning Stage 109
4.4.3 The Second Learning Stage 110
4.4.4 The Third Learning Stage 112
4.4.5 Conclusion 113
4.5 Enlightenment: T 114
4.5.1. Applying A-M-T goal type to examine learning activities and objectives 114
4.5.2. Understand items for General and Curriculum Guidelines 116
4.5.3. Working on solid foundation but make it deeper 118
4.6 Summary 119
5.1. Concluding Remarks 121
5.2. Limitations of the Study 123
5.3. Implications 124
5.4. Suggestions and Future Research 125
5.5. Summary 126
APPENDIX 1: One of the lesson plans formulated in grade school 155
APPENDIX 2: The lesson plan for Curriculum Design 158
APPENDIX 3 : Raw Data of analysis of A-M-T goal type 161
APPENDIX 4 : The lesson plan for lesson plan competition 206
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